- New species, updated species, and subspecies! You will have to update your species selection for your characters.
- Online character sheet quality of life improvements
- New Reputation (Paragon/Renegade) Rules
- Account system (allows for saving character sheets and bookmarks)
Charisma changes
The new Reputation (paragon/renegade) system uses Charisma as your "Reputation Ability", which, like a
powercasting ability, sets the DC of your benefits and can increase the number of uses per rest. To accommodate this change,
Charisma was removed as a powercasting ability from Asari and Sentinels.
The other reason for this change is because the debate over which classes should use which powercasting ability has
been constant. This homebrew will be entering its fifth year in April, and
the feedback for a better way to divvy up Charisma and Wisdom between biotic-capable classes has never ended. The reason
to use Wisdom instead of Charisma as the biotic ability is purely based on the fact that there is a new ruleset (Reputation)
which is better suited for Charisma than Wisdom.
That said, if you completely disagree and think the designers are making a horrible decision, not a problem!
You can decide which classes should use which abilities! The online character builder even allows you to override which
mental stat you want to use for every class. You think engineers should use Wisdom? Great! Go for it!
Finally, if you're homebrewing your own unique class and want it to use Charisma, that's completely fine too! We'd only ask that your
justification for using Charisma be because Charima casting fits the theme of the class and not because this system lacks Charisma casters.
Unarmed Strikes count as weapons
This is a change from the official 5e ruleset. We believe this will help reduce confusion about unarmed strikes in general.
Prior to this change, a "natural" weapon was not treated as a weapon for the purposes of any other rules referring to a
"weapon attack" or "melee weapon" (as it is ruled in standard 5e). With the increase in natural weapons among species,
we have decided to remove this counterintuitive rule.
However, note that you cannot "wield" nor "hold" a natural weapon (i.e. w/ bite, you can't hold your own teeth). Therefore,
if a rule indicates a "weapon you are wielding" or a "weapon your are holding", it cannot be applied to a natural weapon.
A new set of Reputation (Paragon/Renegade) rules can be found under the Beyond 1st Level section of the rules. Our intent
is that these rules are not "Variant" (i.e., they are meant to be used in your campaign). But, of course, that's just
a recommendation.
- Removed Charisma as an option for powercasting (see note above)
Natural Armor & Player Feedback
In this update, a number of species received a version of Natural Armor (i.e., when you aren't wearing armor, your AC is X + some mod).
Many players expressed their dislike of this type of trait, claiming this system rarely sees player characters outside of armor.
While that is true, the internal balancing done for the species gave natural armor little to no weight and we've kept these traits for world building purposes.
Your campaign may never see an unarmored elcor fighting alongside an unarmored salarian, but in the event that someone's
campaign results in this example, we want to make sure that elcor has a higher AC, as representative of their thick hide.
Custom Ability Score Increases
The other most common piece of feedback was to use the Ability Score Increase rules outlined in "Customizing Your Origin"
section of Tasha's Caldron of Everything. After internal discussions, we decided that the rules of this homebrew
will remain as an archetypal approach to ability score increases. Our justification is that D&D 5e is a general high
fantasy ruleset that can be applied in any high fantasy campaign setting (Faerun just being one of the hundreds of high
fantasy settings with very specific archetype's for its races). Comparatively, Mass Effect is both a ruleset and a
campaign setting, therefore the archetypes are relatively universal across campaigns.
That said, we also support these types of rule divergences when people want to use them.
Thus, when you make a character in the online character sheet, you have the option of toggling these rules on or off.
- Changed Ability Score Increases to +2 CON and +1 WIS. The +2 CON reflects their ability to live in harsh environments
like extreme heat and cold. The +1 WIS for their spirituality. The current +2 CHA seems odd given that
“The angara as a people are very free with their emotions, demonstrative and ‘larger than life’. They'll say and do
what they mean, even if it entails violence” - Bio-electric focus was replaced with Electrogenesis. This was more of a preparatory change for later content updates.
- Bio-electric ward. Removed the +1 AC and added cold resistance. Noted that resistance is only applied to hit points, rather than “not shields”
- Solar dependency. Noted that the energy source must be UV radiation, not specifically “sunlight”.
- Post playtest/feedback change: In addition, added a clause that the solar dependency was "in addition" to food and water. It was asked if the immersion in light needed to happen all at once
or could it happen over short periods throughout the day. The same could be asked about drinking water or eating food, so
use whatever rules you use for adjudicating food and water consumption.
- Post playtest/feedback change: In addition, added a clause that the solar dependency was "in addition" to food and water. It was asked if the immersion in light needed to happen all at once
- Base species receives +1 WIS
- Added 3 subspecies called Life Stages
- Post playtest/feedback change: Matriarchs gain +1 Wis and +1 Int (the +2 Wis resulted in a +3 wis at 1st level)
- Post playtest/feedback change: Matriarchs gain a choice of expertise, rather than a set expertise
- Innate Biotics: removed the CHA powercasting mod replacement. Wisdom is your powercasting modifier for the selected powers.
- Mind Meld: Solidified the mechanics of this trait, works similarly to Detect Thoughts
- Refactored Ardat-Yakshi Variant (which has its own 3 subspecies and one variant)
- Post playtest/feedback change: Clarified DC of Addition saving throws resets after you successfully mate
- Post playtest/feedback change: Added Mental Resilience trait to Chaste subspecies
Awakened Collector
- Awakened collectors will have their own species, rather than being a variant of Protheans
- Chitinous Exoskeleton updated to reflect natural armor, rather than a flat bonus
- Forewing Leap replaced with Wings that allows a flying speed for the turn only
- Seeker Swarm updated to better represent ME3 multiplayer and have a bit more functionality. The summoned swarms were ineffective at higher levels and more of a nuisance causing additional dice rolls.
- Ability Score Increase changed to +1 to all ability scores. This was primarily done because Batarians balance score
was falling behind most other species. Additionally, the "concept" for Batarians is to be the other side of the same coin
as humans. This is represented more in the new species-specific feats, in which Batarians and Humans share a common set of
- Prior to feedback we added +1 Str to Drell to both bring their balance scores inline with other species and reflect their wiry strength.
Post playtest/feedback we removed the +1 Str and added the Body and Soul trait - Natural Hunters: Added acrobatics to the list of skill choices
- Prior to feedback we added another +1 Str to Elcor (giving them +3) but added a -1 Dex
Post playtest/feedback we decided no species should have a negative starting modifier. Thus both the +1 Str and -1 Dex were removed. - Added Dense Build with a small addition to the standard 5e version which interacts with powers like singularity and pull.
- Remove the “powerful build” mechanics from Quadrupedal (as that part of quadrupedal is now it's own trait, Dense Build), otherwise Quadrupedal is unchanged.
- Shoulder Mounts replaced with Tripedal Combat. It was odd that this species required gear to simply fire weapons. This codifies how the elcor would fight without gear.
- See below, 4 new armor mods were added to keep the flair of shoulder mounts.
- Thick Hide does not stack with armor, it is standard 5e version of Natural Armor.
- Add Keen Olfactory Sensory since it is a unique trait for elcor.
- Added Mobile Platform as subspecies
- Post playtest/feedback change: For Juggernauts, we removed the -1 Dex, reduced +2 AC to +1 AC, and added Jump-Start Aura
- Base ability score is +2 Int, as subclasses add other ability score increases
- Speed is based on the mobile platform selection
- Removed Hunter Mode, Innate Shielding, Armor Mods, and No Feats
- Living Construct renamed Synthetic Construct with
- Bulleted benefits/detriments
- Lightning vulnerability added
- Stabilization check for synthetic added to this trait (removed from repair matrix)
- Sentry Mode broken out from the old Living Construct
- Integrated Protection updated to reflect the published version used in 5e (was previously the UA version for warforged)
- Advanced Optics Added
- Repair Matrix simplified
- Changed +1 CHA to +1 INT, their speech patterns and supposed “aloofness” made it difficult to justify the +1 CHA
- Added a minor falling reduction benefit to the contra-gravitic levitation
- Removed fragile
- Broke Tentacles into two separate traits: Tentacles and Tentacle Bind for better clarity and utility.
- Added 2 skill proficiencies, 1 expertise, and 1 tool proficiency to the base human to make them more balanced to
other species and their own variant.
- Kett have been reworked from the initial playtest content
- Added the four main subspecies representing the known Kett types in Andromeda
- Added a Behemoth variant
- Updated Exalted Lineage to incorporate resistances, immunitites, and senses instead of proficiencies. This change
is more representative of the exaltation process, as kett keep beneficial traits and proficiencies are generally learned,
not biological.
- Menacing removed. Though justifiable, Krogan have the most “codex-official” biological traits, and we wanted to focus on those.
- Post playtest/feedback change: We had added a new trait, Wide-set Eyes, but it was removed as other traits were more beneficial and lore representative.
- Toughness (post playtext/feedback) will remain!
- Added a Natural Armor trait.
- Extremophile replaced with Nutrient Hump which extends time between needed food and water, but removes the bonus to Con saving throws to resist exhaustion.
- Thick Frontal Plate (i.e., the Krogan Headbutt) is now available for all Krogan.
- Blood Rage overhauled to better represent the codex entry: “krogan become totally unresponsive to pain and will fight to the death regardless of injury level”
- Post playtest/feedback change: Blood rage is less of a risk than it was in the playtest content. While in Blood Rage, you
gain a "pool" of death saving throws and you only assess whether or not your character dies when blood rage ends.
- Post playtest/feedback change: Blood rage is less of a risk than it was in the playtest content. While in Blood Rage, you
- Tank-Bred added as a variant
- Post playtest/feedback change
- Blind rage was adjusted to work more like a curse (to offset the number of benefits Tank Bred krogan receive)
- Genetic Deficiency was removed. We felt the potency of blind rage was enough to offset Tank Bred's benefits.
- Post playtest/feedback change
- Removed +1 Dex from Ability Score Increase. The additional +1’s come from the Avatar “subspecies” (though not ALL “subspecies” have a +1)
- All-Seeing Eyes changed to only have an effect when you take the Search action. We felt blanket truesight was a bit too powerful
- Quad-Strand DNA removed
- Added Avatar as a subspecies
- A No Avatar variant added for those who either want to avoid the new Avatar subspecies or don’t want to RP an Avatar.
- Ability Score increase changed from +1 Dex and +1 Int to +1 Con and +1 Int. “Other than the oft-mentioned maladjusted immune systems,
the quarians have surprisingly robust physiology. Grunt's tank imprints specifically deem several species soft and easy to kill, but not quarians” - Cerebral => Mind Shielding Unit: Updated the mechanic to specifically indicate charmed and frightened conditions.
- Cerebral => Scientific Aptitude: allows choice of 2 skills and added history as a skill option
- Muscular => Ability Score Increase: can choose Strength or Dexterity
- Visceral => Instead of +2 Con (which resulted in +3 con at 1st level), added Toughness
- High-Speed Metabolism clarified (before there was confusion about how long a long rest took)
- Photographic Memory simplified and expanded to include any information seen or read.
- Twice as Bright buffed to allow a minor bonus to rolls for the skills/tools learned from it
- Lystheni added as a variant
- +1 Strength removed from Ability Score Increase, third +1 can be found in the Military Doctrine subspecies
- Six Military Doctrine Subspecies added, with the following post playtest/feedback changes
- Combat Officer: added the option of proficiency in perception or insight
- Demolitions: Removed thunder resistance
- Infantry: Esprit de Corps has been limited to once per turn.
- Recon: Expanded recon to incorporate the various types of recon (field, force, and special).
Unshackled AI
- Unshackled AI are now their own species (rather than a Geth variant) with 3 subspecies
- Post playtest/feedback change: Base species receives +2 Int instead of +1
- Power Armor Training added to give Volus a minor combat buff.
- Post playtest/feedback change: the "ignore STR requirements of armor" has been changed to "your speed is not reduced by wearing armor"
- Lucky changed from the Feat version of to the trait version.
- Adaptation treated as a subspecies
- Additions/changes to the existing adaptations are as follows:
- Desert: Can go twice as long without food or water instead of ignoring 1 level of exhaustion.
- Frozen: Advantage on exhaustion saving throws due to cold added.
- Volcanic: Advantage on exhaustion saving throws due to heat added.
- High-gravity: Ignore difficult terrain caused by high-gravity.
- Underground: Advantage on hiding when in darkness
- Yahg added as a new species
- Added 34 new feats, 33 of which have species prerequisites.
- Post playtest/feedback changes:
- Base Hunter Mode was removed. Instead, there are 3 Hunter Mode feats which no longer require having learned Hunter Mode as a prerequisite
- Determination is available for Quarians (in addition to Humans and Batarians)
- Fast Learned is available for Salarians (in addition to Humans and Batarians)
- The Kett's Premium Genetics an Gene-Splicing were combined. In addition to gaining a trait from the species, you also
gain an ability score increase.
Armor Mods
- Four new armor mods were added to replace the lost "Shoulder Mounts" for Elcor.
- Concussive Shot: Clarified this power requires a ranged weapon
- Turbocharge: Clarified this power requires a ranged weapon
- Updated the following powercasting to Wisdom: Adjutant, Banshee, Collector General, Eclipse Commando, Eclipse Vanguard, N7 Paladin
Site Features
Account System
You can now create an account on n7.world. Our policies can be found in the footer of the homepage. With an account...
- Your bookmarks and characters will be saved on our server so you can access them on other devices
- You'll be able to share characters with other people who also have accounts. When other people view your character they will not be able to edit it.
- You can have up to 20 characters on a single account. Any additional characters you make will be stored locally (won't be saved on our servers).
- If you don't want to make an account, you can still create characters as normal. You'll just need to export/import them to other devices.
This new account system is a huge step up in infrastructure for us, so we are just dipping our toes in it for now. But this
does pave the way for more modern features like campaign management, streaming dice rolls, and community homebrew.
Online Character Sheet
Important notes
- You will need to reselect your species and traits! With the huge change to species, it was impossible to migrate
things that didn't exist in v1.3.1 (for example, Asari lifestages) - You should reselect your powers! The Manage Powers menu now supports preparing/learning powers on a per class basis. You will see
all of your v1.3.1 powers listed in an "Unlinked Powers" menu. They will show up in your powers list, but we recommend you move these to their associated class.
New Features
- Skill check and saving throw advantages, disadvantages, and bonuses from Feats and Traits are now displayed
- Conditions, Immunities, Resistances, and Vulnerabilities are now displayed
- New Reputation Tracker
- Initiative bonus is shown instead of barrier ticks (barrier ticks are easily seen next to the hit point tracker)
- Better display of Attacks, Actions, Bonus Actions, Reactions, and Other abilities
- Special attacks like Burst Fire, Two-Weapon Fighting, and Double Tap now appear in their appropriate section and show potential weapons to use
- When multiclassing, if you have more than one powercasting modifier, all will show up in the powers section
- In the settings menu, you can override which powercasting ability you want to use
- Features and Traits moved into its own tab
- Settings moved below the proficiencies block