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Lasse Støjier Pedersen edited this page Jul 9, 2022 · 4 revisions


This section will specify how to be using Groups part of Steam.


To join steam group, you have to use the module Join group. It can join via url or/and GroupID.

module Name Group_Join
module file name Group_Join.js

In the module you will find 2 list joinGroupViaGroupUrl and joinGroupViaGroupID.

You have to fill in what group to join. If you have the url for the group, you have to add them to joinGroupViaGroupUrl


var joinGroupViaGroupUrl = [

If you have the groupID ( GID ), you have to add them to joinGroupViaGroupID


var joinGroupViaGroupID = [

The list must be like a string, as the number will be bigger then Js allows


To leave group's, you have to use the module Join group. It will leave via GroupID.

module Name Group_Leave
module file name Group_Leave.js

In the module you will find a bool LeaveAllGroups and list GroupsToLeave. you have to add the group ids into the GroupsToLeave list


var GroupsToLeave = [

The list must be like a string, as the number will be bigger then Js allows

Leave All

To leave all the group's that a account own, you have to use the module Join group.

module Name Group_Leave
module file name Group_Leave.js

In the module you will find a bool LeaveAllGroups and list GroupsToLeave. you just have to set the LeaveAllGroups to true, and it will remove them all


var LeaveAllGroups = true;

Announcement Comment Add

To Add comments to announcement, you have to use the module Group_Announcement_Comment_Add.

module Name Group_Announcement_Comment_Add
module file name Group_Announcement_Comment_Add.js

In the module you will find a list list. You have to add a object, for each comment you want to add.

You have to add a object whit propperty

Name Type Description
GroupID string the group id ( can be found of you inspect the leave/join group button )
AnnouncementsId string the AnnouncementsId ( can be found in the url )
Comment string the comment that will be made


var list = [
    { GroupID: "103582791433470748", AnnouncementsId: "1819725374765963648", Comment: "test" }, 
    { GroupID: "103582791433470748", AnnouncementsId: "1819725374765963648", Comment: "test2" } 

This will add 2 comment to the samme Announcements ( )

Announcement Comment Delete

To Add comments to announcement, you have to use the module Group_Announcement_Comment_Delete.

module Name Group_Announcement_Comment_Delete
module file name Group_Announcement_Comment_Delete.js

In the module you will find a list list. You have to add a object, for each comment you want to delete.

You have to add a object whit propperty

Name Type Description
GroupID string the group id ( can be found of you inspect the leave/join group button )
AnnouncementsId string the AnnouncementsId ( can be found in the url )
gidcomment string the comment id ( can be found when inspect on the report flag)


var list = [
    { GroupID: "103582791433470748", AnnouncementsId: "1819725374765963648", gidcomment: "5161702937823816757" },
    { GroupID: "103582791433470748", AnnouncementsId: "1819725374765963648", gidcomment: "5161702937823816004" }

This will delete 2 comment on the same Announcements ( )

Announcement Rate

To Rate a announcement, you have to use the module Group_Announcement_Rate.

module Name Group_Announcement_Rate
module file name Group_Announcement_Rate.js

In the module you will find a list list. You have to add a object, for each Announcement you want to rate.

You have to add a object whit propperty

Name Type Description
GroupName string the group id ( can be found of you inspect the leave/join group button )
AnnouncementsId string the AnnouncementsId ( can be found in the url )
clanID string the Announcement id ( can be found by inspect the Rate up buttom )
Vote Enum is a enum if eather 'Vote.Up' or 'Vote.Down'


var list = [
    { GroupName: "NewSteamCommunityBeta", AnnouncementsId: "1819725374765963648", clanID: "3949340", Vote: Vote.Up }

This will rate up Announcements ( )

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