Also check Quasar CLI v0.15.10 release notes.
- Dynamic branding colors - configurable at any time during runtime - More Info
- Smooth drawer (big performance tweak, especially noticeable on low end mobiles)
- Improve Layout components user response time
- QChip: new "dense" prop; design improvements on floating QChip
- QResizeObservable new property (debounce - Number, default 100)
- QStepper: flag to disable navigation through header #1716
- Quasar components inside templates using PascalCase #1601
- Add alternate text to object elements #1693
- refactor: AddressbarColor plugin - better perf, avoid duplicating meta tags, make use of CSS color props
- QLayoutDrawer: Add "no-hide-on-route-change" property #1697
- QDialog - hitting ENTER key when using prompt submits the Dialog (same as hitting OK button)
- Turkish Quasar language pack
- Default duration is now 600ms #1760
- QPageSticky offsets when toggling a Layout Header/Footer/Drawer
- Fix Layout page offsets when navigating sub-routes that have different header/footer embedded into them
- Fix Layout page bouncing up or down on route change
- QList Side Icons squashed with fontawesome icons
- QColorPicker - fix alpha value detection when using spaces
- IE fixes: QResizeObservable object visibility and QList main flex (#1720)
- QInput: add an empty row at end of textarea to prevent scroll related problems
- HMR reload problem with parent field
- QUploader: extensions comparisons case-insensitive
- QUploader: QList not being imported #1696
- QTable: Sorting on boolean column fails #1689
- QInput: Vertical scrolling in textarea #1048
- QDatetime Prevent Prompting of Time when Selecting Just a Date #1663
- QDatetime "after" handler not setting popup value via v-model bind #1686
- breadcrumb separator is displayed even if next breadcrumb element is not visible #1639
- Breadcrumbs with & without Icons have wrong horizontal alignments #1745
- QDatetime & QColor fixes: Doubling blur/input events; setting model with before/after; keep focus when popover/modal gets opened; Modal "cancel" button not working as expected
- Promise API detection on polyfill
- QDatetimePicker: Reset to default view after closing modal (#1762)