Marketplace is a Quasarch curated list of public made containers, lambdas, and VMs people can use to deploy through Quasarch Console. Please submit a pull request if you want to add any more containers that might be helpful to other developers.
Deployments must be of type:
"name": "name",
"container": {
"image": "image",
"tag": "tag",
"command": "bash",
"arguments": ["arg1", "arg2"]
"resources": {
"cpu": 1,
"memory": "512Mi",
"ephemeralStorage": "10Gi",
"gpu": {
"cores": 1,
"types": ["Nvidia h100", "Nvidia a100"]
"ports": [
"container": 80,
"external": 80,
"protocol": "udp"
"env": [
"name": "ENV_VAR",
"value": "value"
We are always looking for more contributions to our marketplace. If you have a container, lambda, or VM that you think would be helpful to other developers, please submit a pull request following the format above.
We support Metadata for each deployment. This is an additional JSON parameter that can be added to the deployment to provide more information about the deployment. This is optional, but we encourage you to add metadata to your deployments.
...<other deployment parameters>
"metadata": {
"version": "1.0.0"
"tags": ["tag", "tag2"],
"description": "Description of the deployment.",
Add a logo with the filename logo.png
to the root of the deployment folder. This will be displayed in the Quasarch Console.
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