released this
09 Feb 12:33
Complete changelog
#30976 - Metrics - check if index contains class before attempting to use it
#30965 - JandexBeanInfoAdapter.getMetricAnnotationsThroughStereotype is not null safe
#30959 - Return text from /q/metrics when the Accept header contains html
#30953 - Fix OIDC capability string
#30947 - Ignore interface/class without default constructs fields in SB config
#30940 - Use SchemaType.ARRAY instead of "ARRAY" for native support
#30919 - Compilation to native fails, when quarkus-smallrye-openapi is included
#30916 - Add AppCDS documentation
#30896 - Quarkus spring-boot-properties extension unable to handle complex configuration.
#30878 - Bump postgresql from 42.5.2 to 42.5.3
#30866 - Only run the quickstart compilation for main
#30851 - Fixed return type typo in smallrye graphQL guide
#30844 - Fixed greeting in getting started guide
#30839 - Fix handling of Accept header in graphQL
#30833 - Update docs to show BuildProducer use as method parameter instead of field
#30828 - Make OIDC session cookie same site lax by default
#30826 - Caffeine - Automatically register metrics cache impls if Micrometer is around
#30825 - Fix comment about Caffeine optimization
#30823 - Change accept header to valid plain text in micrometer documentation
#30821 - Packaging type -Dquarkus.package.create-appcds=true isn't documented
#30815 - Update SmallRye Config to 2.13.2
#30812 - Manage the apache-mime4j dependency
#30806 - / in Accept header is ignored if not listed as the first item
#30805 - MailTemplateInstance with attachments
#30803 - Support file and byte array attachments in MailTemplateInstance
#30797 - OIDC login not work
#30783 - uses 'quarkus.platform.artifact-id' property
#30778 - Avoid creating 3 Liquibase MongoDB instances for startup operations
#30776 - Ensure that AwsProxyRequestContext can be used with @context in RESTEasy Reactive
#30767 - Remove duplicate notification of SseBroadcaster's onErrorListeners
#30765 - Bump postgresql from 42.5.1 to 42.5.2
#30755 - Update ForwardedParser to validate the port
#30744 - [Quarkus Native] ClassNotFoundException: com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.SSSW
#30536 - munitnyucontextmanager non helpful error reporting
#29753 - Introduce ConnectionFactoryWrapperBuildItem
#29605 - Update docs to reflect that injection should not
#27774 - PLANNER-1709 Avoid deprecated penalize/reward overloads
#23442 - problem using quarkus-resteasy-reactive-kotlin-serialization with AwsProxyRequestContext
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