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refactor(contribute): refactoring the contribute command
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ctrlc03 committed Dec 19, 2022

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1 parent 549ba5e commit 69947b5
Showing 18 changed files with 787 additions and 374 deletions.
191 changes: 190 additions & 1 deletion packages/actions/src/core/contribute/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import { Firestore, where } from "firebase/firestore"
import { CeremonyCollectionField, CeremonyState, Collections, FirebaseDocumentInfo } from "../../../types/index"
import { queryCollection, fromQueryToFirebaseDocumentInfo, getAllCollectionDocs } from "../../helpers/query"
import { queryCollection, fromQueryToFirebaseDocumentInfo, getAllCollectionDocs } from "../..//helpers/query"
import { Functions, httpsCallable, httpsCallableFromURL } from "firebase/functions"
import { convertToGB } from "../../helpers/storage"

* Query for opened ceremonies documents and return their data (if any).
@@ -31,3 +33,190 @@ export const getCeremonyCircuits = async (
await getAllCollectionDocs(firestoreDatabase, `${Collections.CEREMONIES}/${ceremonyId}/${Collections.CIRCUITS}`)
).sort((a: FirebaseDocumentInfo, b: FirebaseDocumentInfo) => -

* Calls the cloud function checkParticipantForCeremony
* @param functions <Functions> - the Firebase functions
* @param ceremonyId <string> - the ceremony ID for which to query participants
* @returns
export const checkParticipantForCeremony = async (
functions: Functions,
ceremonyId: string
): Promise<any> => {
const cf = httpsCallable(functions, 'checkParticipantForCeremony')
const { data } = await cf({ ceremonyId: ceremonyId })
return data

* Return the next circuit where the participant needs to compute or has computed the contribution.
* @param circuits <Array<FirebaseDocumentInfo>> - the ceremony circuits document.
* @param nextCircuitPosition <number> - the position in the sequence of circuits where the next contribution must be done.
* @returns <FirebaseDocumentInfo>
export const getNextCircuitForContribution = (
circuits: Array<FirebaseDocumentInfo>,
nextCircuitPosition: number
): FirebaseDocumentInfo => {
// Filter for sequence position (should match contribution progress).
const filteredCircuits = circuits.filter(
(circuit: FirebaseDocumentInfo) => === nextCircuitPosition

// There must be only one.
if (filteredCircuits.length !== 1) throw new Error('Contribute-0001: Something went wrong when retrieving the data from the database')


* Calls the permanentlyStoreCurrentContributionTimeAndHash cloud function
* @param functions <Functions> - the firebase functions
* @param ceremonyId <string> - the ceremony id
* @param contributionComputationTime <number> - the time when it was computed
* @param contributingHash <string> - the hash of the contribution
export const permanentlyStoreCurrentContributionTimeAndHash = async (
functions: Functions,
ceremonyId: string,
contributionComputationTime: number,
contributionHash: string
) => {
const cf = httpsCallable(functions, 'permanentlyStoreCurrentContributionTimeAndHash')
await cf({
ceremonyId: ceremonyId,

* Call the makeProgressToNextContribution cloud function
* @param functions <Functions> - the cloud functions
* @param ceremonyId <string> - the ceremony Id
export const makeProgressToNextContribution = async (
functions: Functions,
ceremonyId: string
) => {
const cf = httpsCallable(functions, 'makeProgressToNextContribution')
await cf({

* Call the resumeContributionAfterTimeoutExpiration cloud function
* @param functions <Functions> - the cloud functions.
* @param ceremonyId <string> - the ceremony Id.
export const resumeContributionAfterTimeoutExpiration = async (
functions: Functions,
ceremonyId: string
) => {
const cf = httpsCallable(functions, 'resumeContributionAfterTimeoutExpiration')
await cf({

* Call the progressToNextContributionStep cloud function
* @param ceremonyId <string> - the ceremony ID to which we want to contribute to.
export const progressToNextContributionStep = async (
functions: Functions,
ceremonyId: string
) => {
const cf = httpsCallable(functions, 'progressToNextContributionStep')
await cf({

* Call the verifyContribution cloud function
* @param functions <Functions> - the cloud functions.
* @param verifyContributionURL <string> - the url for the contribution verification.
* @param ceremonyId <string> - the ID of the ceremony.
* @param circuitId <string> - the ID of the circuit to which the user contribute.
* @param username <string> - the
export const verifyContribution = async (
functions: Functions,
verifyContributionURL: string,
ceremonyId: string,
circuitId: string,
username: string,
bucketName: string
): Promise<any> => {
const cf = httpsCallableFromURL(
timeout: 3600000

const response = await cf({
ceremonyId: ceremonyId,
circuitId: circuitId,
bucketName: bucketName

return response

* Calls the temporaryStoreCurrentContributionMultiPartUploadId cloud function
* @param functions <Functions> - the cloud functions.
* @param ceremonyId <string> - the ID of the ceremony.
* @param uploadIdZKey <string> - the upload identifier.
export const temporaryStoreCurrentContributionMultiPartUploadId = async (
functions: Functions,
ceremonyId: string,
uploadIdZkey: string
) => {
const cf = httpsCallable(functions, 'temporaryStoreCurrentContributionMultiPartUploadId')
await cf({
uploadId: uploadIdZkey

* Call the temporaryStoreCurrentContributionUploadedChunk cloud function
* @param functions <Functions> - the cloud functions.
* @param ceremonyId <string> - the ceremony ID.
* @param eTag <string> - the eTag.
* @param partNumber <number> - the part number.
export const temporaryStoreCurrentContributionUploadedChunk = async (
functions: Functions,
ceremonyId: string,
eTag: string,
partNumber: number
) => {
const cf = httpsCallable(functions, 'temporaryStoreCurrentContributionUploadedChunkData')
await cf({

* Return the memory space requirement for a zkey in GB.
* @param zKeySizeInBytes <number> - the size of the zkey in bytes.
* @returns <number>
export const getZkeysSpaceRequirementsForContributionInGB = (zKeySizeInBytes: number): number =>
// nb. mul per 2 is necessary because download latest + compute newest.
convertToGB(zKeySizeInBytes * 2, true)
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions packages/actions/src/core/lib/utils.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import open from "open"
// import clipboard from "clipboardy" // TODO: need a substitute.
import { Verification } from "@octokit/auth-oauth-device/dist-types/types"
import { OAuthCredential, GithubAuthProvider } from "firebase/auth"
import { firstZkeyIndex } from '../../helpers/constants'

* @dev TODO: needs refactoring.
@@ -61,3 +62,38 @@ export const onVerification = async (verification: Verification): Promise<void>
export const exchangeGithubTokenForFirebaseCredentials = (token: string): OAuthCredential =>

* Get the powers from pot file name
* @dev the pot files must follow these convention (i_am_a_pot_file_09.ptau) where the numbers before '.ptau' are the powers.
* @param potFileName <string>
* @returns <number>
export const extractPoTFromFilename = (potFileName: string): number =>

* Extract a prefix (like_this) from a provided string with special characters and spaces.
* @dev replaces all symbols and whitespaces with underscore.
* @param str <string>
* @returns <string>
export const extractPrefix = (str: string): string =>
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
str.replace(/[`\s~!@#$%^&*()|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, "-").toLowerCase()

* Format the next zkey index.
* @param progress <number> - the progression in zkey index (= contributions).
* @returns <string>
export const formatZkeyIndex = (progress: number): string => {
let index = progress.toString()

while (index.length < firstZkeyIndex.length) {
index = `0${index}`

return index
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions packages/actions/src/helpers/constants.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
/** Firebase */
export const collections = {
users: "users",
participants: "participants",
ceremonies: "ceremonies",
circuits: "circuits",
contributions: "contributions",
timeouts: "timeouts"

export const contributionsCollectionFields = {
contributionTime: "contributionTime",
files: "files",
lastUpdated: "lastUpdated",
participantId: "participantId",
valid: "valid",
verificationTime: "verificationTime",
zkeyIndex: "zKeyIndex"

export const firstZkeyIndex = `00000`

export const timeoutsCollectionFields = {
startDate: "startDate",
endDate: "endDate"
70 changes: 69 additions & 1 deletion packages/actions/src/helpers/query.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
import {
collection as collectionRef,
} from "firebase/firestore"
import { FirebaseDocumentInfo } from "../../types/index"
import { collections, contributionsCollectionFields, timeoutsCollectionFields } from "./constants"

* Helper for query a collection based on certain constraints.
@@ -54,3 +60,65 @@ export const getAllCollectionDocs = async (
collection: string
): Promise<Array<QueryDocumentSnapshot<DocumentData>>> =>
(await getDocs(collectionRef(firestoreDatabase, collection))).docs

* Get a specific document from database.
* @param firestoreDatabase <Firestore> - the firestore db.
* @param collection <string> - the name of the collection.
* @param documentUID <string> - the unique identifier of the document in the collection.
* @returns <Promise<DocumentSnapshot<DocumentData>>> - return the document from Firestore.
export const getDocumentById = async (
firestoreDatabase: Firestore,
collection: string,
documentUID: string
): Promise<DocumentSnapshot<DocumentData>> => {
const docRef = doc(firestoreDatabase, collection, documentUID)

return getDoc(docRef)

* Query for contribution from given participant for a given circuit (if any).
* @param firestoreDatabase <Firestore> - the database to query.
* @param ceremonyId <string> - the identifier of the ceremony.
* @param circuitId <string> - the identifier of the circuit.
* @param participantId <string> - the identifier of the participant.
* @returns <Promise<Array<FirebaseDocumentInfo>>>
export const getCurrentContributorContribution = async (
firestoreDatabase: Firestore,
ceremonyId: string,
circuitId: string,
participantId: string
): Promise<Array<FirebaseDocumentInfo>> => {
const participantContributionQuerySnap = await queryCollection(
[where(contributionsCollectionFields.participantId, "==", participantId)]

return fromQueryToFirebaseDocumentInfo(

* Query for the active timeout from given participant for a given ceremony (if any).
* @param ceremonyId <string> - the identifier of the ceremony.
* @param participantId <string> - the identifier of the participant.
* @returns Promise<Array<FirebaseDocumentInfo>>
export const getCurrentActiveParticipantTimeout = async (
firestoreDatabase: Firestore,
ceremonyId: string,
participantId: string
): Promise<Array<FirebaseDocumentInfo>> => {
const participantTimeoutQuerySnap = await queryCollection(
[where(timeoutsCollectionFields.endDate, ">=",]

return fromQueryToFirebaseDocumentInfo(

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