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Identification and classification of homopolymeric tracts from reads.


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Leonardo de Oliveira Martins1, Samuel Bloomfield1, Emily Stoakes2, Andrew Grant2, Andrew Page1, Alison Mather1
1. Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich Research Park, NR4 7UQ, UK;
2. Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ES

License: GPL v3

Latest stable version (conda etc.): v1.0.4 Current version (source code only): v1.0.5

Distribution of homopolymeric tracts in microbial populations

Instead of assuming a fixed length for a given homopolymer tract, tatajubá allows for the whole distribution of tract sizes to be analysed. The rationale is that 1. our sequence might represent a population of non-identical microbial individuals, with diversity of tract lengths, and 2. sequencing errors might be more frequent near or within homopolymers (so we should not remove uncertainty prematurely).

Tatajubá also assumes that what we call a "tract" is a homopolymeric base flanked by a specific sequence (allowing for variability), and it can discard homopolymers absent in reverse or forward reads to minimise "strand bias".

Paper and citation

"Tatajuba ― Exploring the distribution of homopolymer tracts", Leonardo de Oliveira Martins, Samuel Bloomfield, Emily Stoakes, Andrew Grant, Andrew J Page, Alison E Mather, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2022, lqac003,

(a previous version is available as a bioRxiv preprint


Tatajuba (Bagassa guianensis) is a South American tree, also known as Tatajubá, Tatajuva, Garrote, Totajuba. It means "yellow fire" (tataîub) or "fire tree" (tataýua) in Tupi.


Currently the software has been tested exclusively on linux systems, but hopefully you can run it on other systems through the singularity and docker containers. If you have any tips for successfull usage in other systems, do let us know.


Anaconda-Server Badge Anaconda-Server Badge Anaconda-Server Badge

After you install miniconda, simply run

conda install -c bioconda tatajuba

The software tatajuba is still under development, thus the conda version (v1.0.4) may be outdated. We're working on v1.0.5 which gives better warnings if HTs are not found, and tries to work with a single sample (results may not make sense, though...).


After installing Singularity, you can download an executable container with:

# check for most recent tag)
singularity pull --arch amd64 library://leomrtns/default/tatajuba:1.0.4 

You can check the container library for the most recent tag (version). As with conda above, the container might not have the latest improvements. In case you want the most recent version, you can use the singularity definition file recipe/tatajuba.def to generate a container as in

sudo singularity build tatajuba.sif recipe/tatajuba.def

If you build the container as above, the software will be up-to-date since it will download from github and compile. In both cases, you will end up with a file tatajuba*.sif which can be quite large (>500MB). This file can be used to run the singularity image

singularity exec tatajuba.sif tatajuba --help


To run tatajuba from the docker container, the commands to pull and use the container would look like

# check for most recent tag 
docker pull
# run the command "tatajuba -h" using the current directory
docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd`  tatajuba -h

The docker options -v and -w mount your current directory (shell command pwd) and set it as the working directory inside the container, respectively.

Please check the biocontainers for most recent tag. This container is generated from bioconda, so the same caveats apply.

Notice also that singularity can run docker images.

Compiling from source

If installing through conda/singularity is not an option, or if you want the latest version of the software, you can download it and compile it yourself. Tatajuba relies on GCC6 or newer due to assuming OpenMP 4.5. This repository must be cloned with git clone --recursive to ensure it also downloads biomcmc-lib and our modified version of BWA. You will need a recent version of GCC in your system.

This sofware uses autotools, so you can install it with configure + make. You may need to define where you want it installed with configure --prefix=DIR which is where are your unix-like include/, lib/, and bin/ directories. My favourite is ~/local.

It will compile from the directories biomcmc-lib, kalign, and bwa before finally compiling tatajuba. Notice that this does not generate the usual executables for kalign or bwa: only their libraries are used by tatajubá.

Here is an example of its installation, please modify to better suit your needs:

/home/simpson/$ git clone --recursive
/home/simpson/$ cd tatajuba && ./ 
/home/simpson/$ mkdir build && cd build
/home/simpson/$ ../configure --prefix=${HOME}/local ## prefix is the location of your local libraries etc.
/home/simpson/$ make; make install

If it works, you should have tatajuba installed in the ${HOME}/local/bin directory, in the example above (or whatever you set as the -prefix). You may want to add this path to your $PATH variable, in file ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile if you use bash:

export PATH="${HOME}/local/bin:${PATH}"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${HOME}/local/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" # currently not needed for tatajuba, but if you have the folder...

If you want, you can optionally check the installation by running a battery of unit and integration tests for both tatajuba and biomcmc-lib (the low-level C library tatajuba relies on):

/home/simpson/$ sudo apt-get install check  # preferred method, assuming you have admin priviledges on the ubuntu/debian machine
/home/simpson/$ # conda install -c conda-forge check  # alternative to apt-get get above, using conda
/home/simpson/$ make check

missing libraries

If configure complains about a missing library (usually libcheck or zlib), you'll need to install them before running configure again. You will also need the autotools environment before running the configuration ( depends on it):

## 'bootstrap' the configuration files (needed when cloning from github):
/home/simpson/$ apt-get install pkg-config autotools-dev autoconf automake libtool
/home/simpson/$ (cd tatajuba && autoreconf)  ## the parentheses avoid entering the directory afterwards

## install libraries possibly missing (zlib and omp are strongly suggested)
/home/simpson/$ apt-get install zlib1g-dev libomp-dev libbz2-dev check liblzma-dev

The libraries rely on pkg-config to find their location: if your pkg-config was installed through conda then you'd better install the above libs via conda as well (or, you know, checking and updating your $PKG_CONFIG_PATH environmental variable). The zlib library is mandatory, while liblzma-dev and libbz2-dev are called, respectively, xz and bzip2 on a strict conda environment.

The output below shows an excerpt of configure's output, where we can see that the zlib library was found, but not liblzma-dev (LZMA) or libbz2-dev (bzlib.h):

checking for ZLIB... yes
checking for LZMA... no
configure: optional lzma headers not found
checking bzlib.h usability... no
checking bzlib.h presence... no
checking for bzlib.h... no
configure: optional bzip2 headers not found
checking for library containing BZ2_bzlibVersion... no

If the program installed successfully, you can check if the program can access the dynamic libraries with

$ which tatajuba     # where is the actual location of the executable file

$ ldd /home/ubuntu/local/bin/tatajuba    # returns the location of all libraries it found in the system (0x00007ffe60dfc000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f907c6b7000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f907c491000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f907c0f3000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f907bee3000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f907bcb4000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f907ba95000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f907b6a4000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f907b4a0000)
   /lib64/ (0x00007f907c8d4000)

If it reports a missing library (i.e. nothing after the arrow), it means that the program can run but it may fail if/when it needs this particular library. If you know where this library can be found (usually a file ending in .so), then you can export its directory using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental variable as described above, or add it directly to the command line:



You can find the documentation in the docs folder. In particular:

The program gives summary help with tatajuba (without arguments) and detailed help with tatajuba -h. Please feel free to report any issues or to request clarification if anything is not clear.


At the lowest level (C struct), the homopolymeric tracts are stored as the two flanking k-mers (called "context" here) and the base comprising the homopolymer in the middle, as seen in the figure below.


We define the canonical form based on the homopolymer — in the figure above the same flanking regions CCG and GAT are stored as a completely different context b/c they flank a distinct homopolymer base. The three contextualised tracts above are stored internally by tatajubá as


due to the canon, we always store the strand of the homopolymers with A or with C. (They are shown to the user, however, in the same strand as in their reference fasta/GFF file)

Scanning through the fastq files, we now can, for each sample, generate the histograms of contextualised homopolymeric tract lengths as depicted in the figure below.


Once this histogram is complete we search for this homopolymeric tract (HT, i.e. homopolymer plus flanking regions) on the reference genome, by using a typical length (a typical length would be 3 for the figure above). Tatajubá also tries to merge histograms if they represent the same tract both before and after the reference genome mapping and are still similar enough. Before mapping it tries to find contexts that are quite similar (and thus could represent the same tract). The parameter maxdist will control up to how may mismatches (per flanking region) are considered the same context. After mapping we may notice very close tracts, which may in fact be the same tract but with indels in the flanking regions.

The parameter leven decides the maximum Levenshtein distance between contexts for such neighbouring tracts to be considered the same. If in your results you see overlapping tracts, i.e. different HTs mapped to the same reference location, you can try increasing the leven value to see if they are then merged. However the advice is to keep both parameters --maxdist and --levenas low as possible (less than two), since it is better for you to be able to pinpoint locations with more variability than to have everything lumped into one HT. (tatajuba does not report on the variability in contexts). As a side note, the Levenshtein distance is slower to calculate, while the pre-mapping mismatch has to be done between all pairs and not only neighbours (n2 instead of n). But both are still pretty fast in the grand scheme of things.

By the way, histograms with very low frequency (representing contexts+tracts observed very rarely in the fastq file) are excluded, assuming they represent sequencing errors. This is controlled by the parameter minreads. The default is currenlty 5 (any tract observed in less than 5 reads is discarded).

Currently our measures of dispersion (used to find tracts most variable across genomes) are the absolute and relative difference of ranges (similar to the coefficient of range), defined here as (MAX-MIN) and (MAX-MIN)/MAX respectively. These are use solely to determine if a tract is variable or not, but are output to the debug files selected_tracts_* (curerntly useful mostly for code debug/development).


As mentioned, this software is still under development; in particular the conda/singularity/docker versions might be outdated. Here is a list of common pitfalls.

  • Tatajuba relies on OpenMP 4.5, which is supported on GCC6 or newer. This means that even the conda version might fail if your system library is older than that .
  • We have tested it exclusively on linux systems, and making it more portable to Mac or Windows is not a priority.
  • The program will run even with only one sample, but we do not condone such usage. Its main usage is to compare differences between samples. If several samples are given but only one has quality HTs mapped, tatajuba will report only about this one sample. It discards samples without any qualty HTs mapped to the reference (quality means observed in depth, on both strands). The results may be of limited utility in such cases.
  • The program should produce error messages; however I've seen it failing without notice. One particular case is when it runs out of memory (it is killed by the system). It needs at least 8GB of memory, and it's not unusual to need a machine with more than 16GB or 32GB.
  • The files selected_tracts_{annotated/unknown}.tsv are being used for debug purposes and are not for final consumption. In particular the locations do not correspond to the tract_id locations — if you currently want to use these files, please use the tract_id for mapping to the correct locations (available in files per_sample* or tract_llist.tsv).
  • Versions 1.0.3 and older use a lot of memory, and may take forever on some datasets. This has been fixed in version v1.0.4 (available on conda), please upgrade to it.

Please use github to report any issues, and to see which issues are being addressed.


SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

Copyright (C) 2020-today Leonardo de Oliveira Martins

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version (

Tatajubá contains code from bwa by Heng Li and kalign by Timo Lassmann, both released under a GPL-3.0 license. (We do not currently compile or use this modified kalign, btw)

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Identification and classification of homopolymeric tracts from reads.




GPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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