🎓 Guest speaker
- Dr Matteo Calgaro University of Verona, Italy
📙 Handsout:
📃 Bibliography:
- Paul J. McMurdie, Susan Holmes: Waste Not, Want Not: Why Rarefying Microbiome Data Is Inadmissible
- Pat Schloss: Waste not, want not: Revisiting the analysis that called into question the practice of rarefaction
📁 Data files in this directory:
- Output of 16S analysis of MiSeq SOP dataset using Dadaist2
- feature table
- taxonomy table
- metadata
- representative sequences
- tree
# Download Silva 138 with `dadaist2-getdb` first
dadaist2 -r ~/refs/silva_nr_v138_train_set.fa.gz \
-i MiSeq_SOP/ -m metadata.csv \
-o dadaist2-output/ \
--threads 16