The Auto Updater plugin automates the update process for your Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) server.
It is required for the server to have hibernation disabled: sv_hibernate_when_empty
set to false
- Automatically checks the current game version of Counter-Strike 2 by querying Steam's API.
- Notifies players about the upcoming server restart.
- Translations.
- Metamod:Source (Dev Build)
- CounterStrikeSharp (Version
or higher)
Download the latest release of CS2-AutoUpdater from the GitHub Release Page.
Extract the contents of the archive into your counterstrikesharp
If you want to build CS2-AutoUpdater from the source, follow these instructions:
git clone && cd CS2-AutoUpdater
# Make sure the CounterStrikeSharp dependacy has a valid path.
dotnet publish -f net7.0 -c Release
"ConfigVersion": 2,
"UpdateCheckInterval": 180,
"ShutdownDelay": 120,
"MinPlayersInstantShutdown": 1,
"MinPlayerPercentageShutdownAllowed": 0.6,
"ShutdownOnMapChangeIfPendingUpdate": true
//MinPlayerPercentageShutdownAllowed=允许关闭的玩家比例。当在线玩家人数少于总人数的 60% 时,允许服务器关闭
//ShutdownOnMapChangeIfPendingUpdate=如果有更新待处理,在地图更换时是否关闭服务器 true为启用