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Implement KrausOperators, conversions, tensor, checks, tests
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akirakyle committed Nov 25, 2024
1 parent 699aeba commit 1eecc6a
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Showing 4 changed files with 343 additions and 15 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/QuantumOpticsBase.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,8 +36,10 @@ export Basis, GenericBasis, CompositeBasis, basis,
current_time, time_shift, time_stretch, time_restrict, static_operator,
SuperOperator, DenseSuperOperator, DenseSuperOpType,
SparseSuperOperator, SparseSuperOpType, spre, spost, sprepost, liouvillian,
SparseSuperOperator, SparseSuperOpType, ChoiState, KrausOperators,
canonicalize, orthogonalize, make_trace_preserving, is_cptp, is_cptni,
is_completely_positive, is_trace_preserving, is_trace_nonincreasing,
spre, spost, sprepost, liouvillian, identitysuperoperator,
FockBasis, number, destroy, create,
fockstate, coherentstate, coherentstate!,
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/pauli.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ ChiMatrix(ptm::DensePauliTransferMatrix) = ChiMatrix(SuperOperator(ptm))

"""Equality for all varieties of superoperators."""
==(sop1::T, sop2::T) where T<:Union{DensePauliTransferMatrix, DenseSuperOpType, DenseChiMatrix} = ==
==(sop1::Union{DensePauliTransferMatrix, DenseSuperOpType, DenseChiMatrix}, sop2::Union{DensePauliTransferMatrix, DenseSuperOpType, DenseChiMatrix}) = false
==(sop1::Union{DensePauliTransferMatrix, DenseSuperOpType, DenseChiMatrix}, sop2::Union{DensePauliTransferMatrix, DenseChiMatrix}) = false

"""Approximate equality for all varieties of superoperators."""
function isapprox(sop1::T, sop2::T; kwargs...) where T<:Union{DensePauliTransferMatrix, DenseSuperOpType, DenseChiMatrix}
function isapprox(sop1::T, sop2::T; kwargs...) where T<:Union{DensePauliTransferMatrix, DenseChiMatrix}
return isapprox(,; kwargs...)
253 changes: 253 additions & 0 deletions src/superoperators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
import Base: isapprox
import QuantumInterface: AbstractSuperOperator
import FastExpm: fastExpm

# TODO: this should belong in QuantumInterface.jl
abstract type OperatorBasis{BL<:Basis,BR<:Basis} end
abstract type SuperOperatorBasis{BL<:OperatorBasis,BR<:OperatorBasis} end

tensor(E::AbstractSuperOperator, F::AbstractSuperOperator, G::AbstractSuperOperator...)
Tensor product ``\\mathcal{E}⊗\\mathcal{F}⊗\\mathcal{G}⊗…`` of the given super operators.
tensor(a::AbstractSuperOperator, b::AbstractSuperOperator) = arithmetic_binary_error("Tensor product", a, b)
tensor(op::AbstractSuperOperator) = op
tensor(operators::AbstractSuperOperator...) = reduce(tensor, operators)

SuperOperator <: AbstractSuperOperator
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,6 +84,9 @@ sparse(a::SuperOperator) = SuperOperator(a.basis_l, a.basis_r, sparse(

==(a::SuperOperator{B1,B2}, b::SuperOperator{B1,B2}) where {B1,B2} = (samebases(a,b) && ==
==(a::SuperOperator, b::SuperOperator) = false
isapprox(a::SuperOperator{B1,B2}, b::SuperOperator{B1,B2}; kwargs...) where {B1,B2} =
(samebases(a,b) && isapprox(,; kwargs...))
isapprox(a::SuperOperator, b::SuperOperator; kwargs...) = false

Base.length(a::SuperOperator) = length(a.basis_l[1])*length(a.basis_l[2])*length(a.basis_r[1])*length(a.basis_r[2])
samebases(a::SuperOperator, b::SuperOperator) = samebases(a.basis_l[1], b.basis_l[1]) && samebases(a.basis_l[2], b.basis_l[2]) &&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,10 +336,14 @@ end

# TODO should all of PauliTransferMatrix, ChiMatrix, ChoiState, and KrausOperators subclass AbstractSuperOperator?
ChoiState <: AbstractSuperOperator
Superoperator represented as a choi state.
The convention is chosen such that the input operators live in `(basis_l[1], basis_r[1])` while
the output operators live in `(basis_r[2], basis_r[2])`.
mutable struct ChoiState{B1,B2,T} <: AbstractSuperOperator{B1,B2}
Expand All @@ -344,6 +366,27 @@ dagger(a::ChoiState) = ChoiState(dagger(SuperOperator(a)))
*(a::ChoiState, b::ChoiState) = ChoiState(SuperOperator(a)*SuperOperator(b))
*(a::ChoiState, b::Operator) = SuperOperator(a)*b
==(a::ChoiState, b::ChoiState) = (SuperOperator(a) == SuperOperator(b))
isapprox(a::ChoiState, b::ChoiState; kwargs...) = isapprox(SuperOperator(a), SuperOperator(b); kwargs...)

# Container to hold each of the four bases for a Choi operator when converting it to
# an operator so that if any are CompositeBases tensor doesn't lossily collapse them
struct ChoiSubBasis{S,B<:Basis} <: Basis
ChoiSubBasis(b::Basis) = ChoiSubBasis(b.shape, b)

# TODO: decide whether to document and export this
choi_to_operator(c::ChoiState) = Operator(
ChoiSubBasis(c.basis_l[2])ChoiSubBasis(c.basis_l[1]), ChoiSubBasis(c.basis_r[2])ChoiSubBasis(c.basis_r[1]),

function tensor(a::ChoiState, b::ChoiState)
op = choi_to_operator(a) choi_to_operator(b)
op = permutesystems(op, [1,3,2,4])
ChoiState((a.basis_l[1] b.basis_l[1], a.basis_l[2] b.basis_l[2]),
(a.basis_r[1] b.basis_r[1], a.basis_r[2] b.basis_r[2]),
tensor(a::SuperOperator, b::SuperOperator) = SuperOperator(tensor(ChoiState(a), ChoiState(b)))

# reshape swaps within systems due to colum major ordering
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,6 +415,216 @@ end
ChoiState(op::SuperOperator) = ChoiState(_super_choi(op.basis_l, op.basis_r,
SuperOperator(op::ChoiState) = SuperOperator(_super_choi(op.basis_l, op.basis_r,

KrausOperators <: AbstractSuperOperator
Superoperator represented as a list of Kraus operators.
Note that KrausOperators can only represent linear maps taking density operators to other
(potentially unnormalized) density operators.
In contrast the `SuperOperator` or `ChoiState` representations can represent arbitrary linear maps
taking arbitrary operators defined on ``H_A \\to H_B`` to ``H_C \\to H_D``.
In otherwords, the Kraus representation is only defined for completely positive linear maps of the form
``(H_A \\to H_A) \\to (H_B \\to H_B)``.
Thus converting from `SuperOperator` or `ChoiState` to `KrausOperators` will throw an exception if the
map cannot be faithfully represented up to the specificed tolerance `tol`.
Old text:
Note unlike the SuperOperator or ChoiState types where it is possible to have
`basis_l[1] != basis_l[2]` and `basis_r[1] != basis_r[2]`
which allows representations of maps between general linear operators defined on ``H_A \\to H_B``,
a quantum channel can only act on valid density operators which live in ``H_A \\to H_A``.
Thus the Kraus representation is only defined for quantum channels which map
``(H_A \\to H_A) \\to (H_B \\to H_B)``.
mutable struct KrausOperators{B1,B2,T} <: AbstractSuperOperator{B1,B2}
function KrausOperators{BL,BR,T}(basis_l::BL, basis_r::BR, data::Vector{T}) where {BL,BR,T}
if (any(!samebases(basis_r, M.basis_r) for M in data) ||
any(!samebases(basis_l, M.basis_l) for M in data))
throw(DimensionMismatch("Tried to assign data with incompatible bases"))

new(basis_l, basis_r, data)
KrausOperators{BL,BR}(b1::BL,b2::BR,data::Vector{T}) where {BL,BR,T} = KrausOperators{BL,BR,T}(b1,b2,data)
KrausOperators(b1::BL,b2::BR,data::Vector{T}) where {BL,BR,T} = KrausOperators{BL,BR,T}(b1,b2,data)

dense(a::KrausOperators) = KrausOperators(a.basis_l, a.basis_r, [dense(op) for op in])
sparse(a::KrausOperators) = KrausOperators(a.basis_l, a.basis_r, [sparse(op) for op in])
dagger(a::KrausOperators) = KrausOperators(a.basis_r, a.basis_l, [dagger(op) for op in])
*(a::KrausOperators{B1,B2}, b::KrausOperators{B2,B3}) where {B1,B2,B3} =
KrausOperators(a.basis_l, b.basis_r, [A*B for A in for B in])
*(a::KrausOperators, b::KrausOperators) = throw(IncompatibleBases())
*(a::KrausOperators{BL,BR}, b::Operator{BR,BR}) where {BL,BR} = sum(op*b*dagger(op) for op in
==(a::KrausOperators, b::KrausOperators) = (SuperOperator(a) == SuperOperator(b))
isapprox(a::KrausOperators, b::KrausOperators; kwargs...) = isapprox(SuperOperator(a), SuperOperator(b); kwargs...)
tensor(a::KrausOperators, b::KrausOperators) =
KrausOperators(a.basis_l b.basis_l, a.basis_r b.basis_r,
[A B for A in for B in])

orthogonalize(kraus::KrausOperators; tol=√eps)
Orthogonalize the set kraus operators by performing a qr decomposition on their vec'd operators.
Note that this is different than `canonicalize` which returns a kraus decomposition such
that the kraus operators are Hilbert–Schmidt orthorgonal.
If the input dimension is d and output dimension is d' then the number of kraus
operators returned is guaranteed to be no greater than dd', however it may be greater
than the Kraus rank.
`orthogonalize` should always be much faster than canonicalize as it avoids an explicit eigendecomposition
and thus also preserves sparsity if the kraus operators are sparse.
function orthogonalize(kraus::KrausOperators; tol=_get_tol(kraus))
bl, br = kraus.basis_l, kraus.basis_r
dim = length(bl)*length(br)

A = stack(reshape(, dim) for op in; dims=1)
F = qr(A; tol=tol)
# rank(F) for some reason doesn't work but should
rank = maximum(findnz(F.R)[1])
# Sanity checks that help illustrate what qr() returns:
# @assert (F.R ≈ (sparse(F.Q') * A[F.prow,F.pcol])[1:dim,:])
# @assert (all(iszero(F.R[rank+1:end,:])))

ops = [Operator(bl, br, copy(reshape( # copy materializes reshaped view
F.R[i,invperm(F.pcol)], (length(bl), length(br))))) for i=1:rank]
return KrausOperators(bl, br, ops)

canonicalize(kraus::KrausOperators; tol=√eps)
Transform the quantum channel into canonical form such that the kraus operators ``{A_k}``
are Hilbert–Schmidt orthorgonal:
\\Tr A_i^\\dagger A_j \\sim \\delta_{i,j}
If the input dimension is d and output dimension is d' then the number of kraus
operators returned is guaranteed to be no greater than dd' and will furthermore
be equal the Kraus rank of the channel up to numerical imprecision controlled by `tol`.
canonicalize(kraus::KrausOperators; tol=_get_tol(kraus)) = KrausOperators(ChoiState(kraus); tol=tol)

# TODO: document
function make_trace_preserving(kraus; tol=_get_tol(kraus))
m = I - sum(dagger(M)*M for M in
if isa(_positive_eigen(m, tol), Number)
throw(ArgumentError("Channel must be trace nonincreasing"))
K = Operator(kraus.basis_l, kraus.basis_r, sqrt(Matrix(m)))
return KrausOperators(kraus.basis_l, kraus.basis_r, [; K])

SuperOperator(kraus::KrausOperators) =
SuperOperator((kraus.basis_l, kraus.basis_l), (kraus.basis_r, kraus.basis_r),
(sum(conj(op)op for op in

ChoiState(kraus::KrausOperators) =
ChoiState((kraus.basis_r, kraus.basis_l), (kraus.basis_r, kraus.basis_l),
(sum((; reshape(M, (length(M), 1))*reshape(M, (1, length(M))))
for op in

_choi_state_maps_density_ops(choi::ChoiState) = (samebases(choi.basis_l[1], choi.basis_r[1]) &&
samebases(choi.basis_l[2], choi.basis_r[2]))

# TODO: consider using
_is_hermitian(M, tol) = ishermitian(M) || isapprox(M, M', atol=tol)
_is_identity(M, tol) = isapprox(M, I, atol=tol)

# TODO: document
# data must be Hermitian!
function _positive_eigen(data, tol)
# LinearAlgebra's eigen returns eigenvals sorted smallest to largest for Hermitian matrices
vals, vecs = eigen(Hermitian(Matrix(data)))
vals[1] < -tol && return vals[1]
ret = [(val, vecs[:,i]) for (i, val) in enumerate(vals) if val > tol]
return ret

function KrausOperators(choi::ChoiState; tol=_get_tol(choi))
if !_choi_state_maps_density_ops(choi)
throw(DimensionMismatch("Tried to convert Choi state of something that isn't a quantum channel mapping density operators to density operators"))
if !_is_hermitian(, tol)
throw(ArgumentError("Tried to convert nonhermitian Choi state"))
bl, br = choi.basis_l[2], choi.basis_l[1]
eigs = _positive_eigen(, tol)
if isa(eigs, Number)
throw(ArgumentError("Tried to convert a non-positive semidefinite Choi state,"*
"failed for smallest eigval $(eigs), consider increasing tol=$(tol)"))

ops = [Operator(bl, br, sqrt(val)*reshape(vec, length(bl), length(br))) for (val, vec) in eigs]
return KrausOperators(bl, br, ops)

KrausOperators(op::SuperOperator; tol=_get_tol(op)) = KrausOperators(ChoiState(op); tol=tol)

# TODO: document superoperator representation precident: everything of mixed type returns SuperOperator
*(a::ChoiState, b::SuperOperator) = SuperOperator(a)*b
*(a::SuperOperator, b::ChoiState) = a*SuperOperator(b)
*(a::KrausOperators, b::SuperOperator) = SuperOperator(a)*b
*(a::SuperOperator, b::KrausOperators) = a*SuperOperator(b)
*(a::KrausOperators, b::ChoiState) = SuperOperator(a)*SuperOperator(b)
*(a::ChoiState, b::KrausOperators) = SuperOperator(a)*SuperOperator(b)

_get_tol(kraus::KrausOperators) = sqrt(eps(real(eltype(eltype(fieldtypes(typeof(kraus))[3])))))
_get_tol(super::SuperOperator) = sqrt(eps(real(eltype(fieldtypes(typeof(super))[3]))))
_get_tol(super::ChoiState) = sqrt(eps(real(eltype(fieldtypes(typeof(super))[3]))))

# TODO: document this
is_completely_positive(choi::KrausOperators; tol=_get_tol(choi)) = true

function is_completely_positive(choi::ChoiState; tol=_get_tol(choi))
_choi_state_maps_density_ops(choi) || return false
_is_hermitian(, tol) || return false
isa(_positive_eigen(Hermitian(, tol), Number) && return false
return true

is_completely_positive(super::SuperOperator; tol=_get_tol(super)) =
is_completely_positive(ChoiState(super); tol=tol)

# TODO: document this
is_trace_preserving(kraus::KrausOperators; tol=_get_tol(kraus)) =
_is_identity(sum(dagger(M)*M for M in, tol)

is_trace_preserving(choi::ChoiState; tol=_get_tol(choi)) =
_is_identity(ptrace(choi_to_operator(choi), 1).data, tol)

is_trace_preserving(super::SuperOperator; tol=_get_tol(super)) =
is_trace_preserving(ChoiState(super); tol=tol)

# TODO: document this
function is_trace_nonincreasing(kraus::KrausOperators; tol=_get_tol(kraus))
m = I - sum(dagger(M)*M for M in
_is_hermitian(m, tol) || return false
return !isa(_positive_eigen(Hermitian(m), tol), Number)

function is_trace_nonincreasing(choi::ChoiState; tol=_get_tol(choi))
m = I - ptrace(choi_to_operator(choi), 1).data
_is_hermitian(m, tol) || return false
return !isa(_positive_eigen(Hermitian(m), tol), Number)

is_trace_nonincreasing(super::SuperOperator; tol=_get_tol(super)) =
is_trace_nonincreasing(ChoiState(super); tol=tol)

# TODO: document this
is_cptp(sop; tol=_get_tol(sop)) = is_completely_positive(sop; tol=tol) && is_trace_preserving(sop; tol=tol)

# TODO: document this
is_cptni(sop; tol=_get_tol(sop)) = is_completely_positive(sop; tol=tol) && is_trace_nonincreasing(sop; tol=tol)


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