Releases: qld-gov-au/web-template-release
SWE v4.4.0
To apply the latest changes to your templates install or update to web-template-release@latest
🟢 New
Tag - New component #1346 #1268 #1258
Details: The tags have 6 colour variations and scale to match the size of the immediate parent element, e.g. inside headings.
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Documentation: Tags and Card with tags
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-637
Table - New searchable and sortable table with pagination #1154 #1168 #1194 #1221 #1326
Details: Was previously only available on via the CMS. Have transferred and is now baked into the SWE codebase.
What was changed: CSS, JS
Documentation: Tables
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-569
🔵 Improvements
Topic index page template #1317 #1337
Details: 7 improvements were made, as listed below.
Documentation: Topic index page
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-668
Improvement 1: Section navigation - updated the style of the active item to prevent dead-end clicks on the item.
Before | After |
Improvement 2: Asides - Updated colour of headings to be the same as paragraphs, and not links. Changed heading size to H3 for improved hierarchy.
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Improvement 3: Increased the width of the main content columns to improve scan/readability of the content. With an aside the main content column is now one column, without an aside it is two columns (992px and above).
Improvement 4: Thumbnail images are optional (applied at a page level). If used they should be a clear visual signal that facilitates quick, intuitive navigation and helps users find what they're looking for effortlessly. We heard from the community, it’s not always easy or applicable to find an image that does this effectively and an image may instead be an unnecessary and distracting decoration.
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Before | After |
Improvement 5: Under index items, publishers now have an option to display short descriptions only (applied at a page level). By default, a list of links to child pages is displayed, along with a short description for pages without child pages. Only deviate from the default if it improves the user experience of your page/content.
Short description only | A mix of short descriptions and links list |
Improvement 6: Removed 'share this page' icons and CC copyright. On mobile we found that their placement was inadvertently suggesting to users that they had reached the end of the page, causing the content below to be missed. There was also next to no engagement with them.
Improvement 7: On mobile, index items now use the card component. We found the previous alternating and repetitive contrast/pattern caused some visual discomfort and strain.
Before | After |
Franchise landing page template
Details: Due to having similar UI patterns as the topic index page, improvements 2, 3, 6 and 7 above were also applied to the Franchise landing page template. The only difference being improvement 3 where the main content area has changed from 3 columns to 2 columns (at 992px and above), to improve scan/readability.
Documentation: Franchise landing page
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Social media icon - Twitter is now 'X' #1280 #1315 #1324
Detail: The icon has been replaced with new 'X' logo in 'share this page', the footer and asides.
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-546
Quick exit - Help text now mentions the option of using the 'ESC' key #1257
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Documentation: Quick exit
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-635
Before | After |
Forms - Radio and Checkbox - Added styles for disabled state #1220
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-622
🟡 Fixes
Accordion - Removed unnecessary space #1143
Details: Was occurring at ~485px and below, on accordions with multi-line heading text.
What was changed: CSS
Documentation: Accordion
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-533
Before | After |
Global search - Fix to alignment of icons and button in the suggestion dropdown #1142 #1195 #1239
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-580
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Quick exit - Fixed z-index conflict with accordions #1155
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-591
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Quick exit - Was disappearing from the viewport when scrolling a long page #1169
What was changed: JS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-602
Table - Fix to top border of striped table #1144 #1150
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-592
Before | After |
Table - Bootstrap class 'table-sm' is now compatible with SWE #1218
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-620
Search results - Fix to focus border of...
SWE v4.3.0
Released on 31 Aug 2023
🟢 New
Footer - Cultural acknowledgement
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Documentation: Footer
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-470
🔵 Improvements
Table - Option to remove zebra-stripes from rows
Detail: Apply the class 'qg-table-no-stripes' to the table element to remove the background colour on alternate table rows.
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Documentation: Table
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-73
Stripes | No stripes |
Cards - Border above call-to-action button removed
Detail: Border removed to reduce the space between the text content and the call-to-actions. The UI aesthetics has improved.
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Documentation: Cards
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-458
Before | After |
Images - Full-width option for ‘figure’ images
Detail: Apply the class 'max-width-none' to the figure element to display the figure at full-width.
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Documentation: Images
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-74
🟡 Fixes
Banner - Fix to link colour in banner blurb
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Documentation: Banner
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-352
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Cards - Fix to background colour of light-theme
Detail: The background colour of light cards content area changed from transparent to white.
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Documentation: Cards
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-398
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Home page template - Card styling fixed between viewport 525 and 576px
Detail: Ensures images match width of their corresponding label.
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-466
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Social media - Fix to vertically align icons
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Documentation: Links
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-425
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Global search - Fix to alignment of CTA button on the suggestion dropdown
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-451
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Search results page - Fix to search input to avoid overlap of icon and text
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-462
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SWE v4.2.1
Released on 31 May 2023
🔵 Improvements
Checkbox and Radio - Introduced a custom design across our supported browsers for visual consistency
Detail: Both were previously using browser defaults. Applies only to forms using the qg-forms-v2 class.
What was changed: CSS
Documentation: Forms
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-62
Before | After |
Cards - Clickable - Improve focus and active states #764, #864
Detail: Wrap entire clickable card with updated focus/active outline style and remove from the enclosed 'a' tag.
What was changed: CSS
Documentation: Cards
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-226
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Lists - Reduce spacing above unordered and ordered lists #685, #885
Detail: The current spacing had slightly too much visual separation from the preceding text, which may disrupt the flow and continuity of the content. Request via Editorial Community of Practice.
What was changed: CSS
Documentation: Lists
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-55
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Banner - Increase contrast of blurb background with text #837
Detail: To achieve a better visual contrast and to meet WCAG 2.1 AAA level compliance we've increased the background opacity of the blurb to 0.65 which gives good results across most images. This also applies to the banner found at the top of the aggregation page template.
What was changed: CSS
Documentation: Banner
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-164
Before | After |
Topic index page and Franchise landing page - Mobile view (767px and below) - Adjustment to hover, focus and active states #725, #884
Detail: Underline and full-width background colour change added to hover, focus and active states, full-width outline applied to focus and active states.
What was changed: CSS
Documentation: Topic index page, Franchise landing page
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-206
Before | After |
Buttons - Style changes to hover, focus and active states #667, #669, #674, #715, #855, #876, #680, #860, #699, #861, #877
Detail: Underline added to hover, focus and active states and outline added to focus and active states.
What was changed: CSS
Documentation: Buttons
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-34, QOLDEV-35, QOLDEV-37
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Links - Styles updated in the accordion (#763, #770, #785, #788, #808), alert / page alert / global alert (#681, #789), quick exit (#682, #863, #889, #898) and document download (#765) components.
What was changed: CSS
Documentation: Accordion, Alert, Page alert, Global alert, Quick exit, Document download, Links
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-45, QOLDEV-46, QOLDEV-222, QOLDEV-223
Links - Catch-all for when links are incorrectly wrapped in 'u' tag #769
Detail: On browsers that support the :has pseudo-selector, use it to transfer the text decoration from the 'u' tag to the enclosed 'a' tag, allowing the underline to use the standard styling rules. On browsers that can't, exclude standard underline styling inside a 'u' tag to prevent a double underline appearing.
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-221
Footer - Set paragraph line-height to meet WCAG minimum requirements of at least 1.5 times the font size #840
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-307
Print - Underline added, and focus and active styles improved #846
What was changed: CSS
Documentation: Print
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-321
Header - Accessibility - Improvements to landmarks #850
Detail: Added role=”banner” to the head tag. Updated aria-label=”main navigation” to aria-label=”main” as screen reader would say 'main navigation navigation'. Added aria-label=”top” to the nav tag. Removed role='navigation' from Skip to main.
What was changed: HTML
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-328
🟡 Fixes
Aggregation page template - Fix to banner link focus and active states #674
Detail: Links in top banner were turning black on focus. Now link colour will remain white and new outline style will be applied.
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-44
Footer - Applied 'click-to-call' on all phone numbers at all screen sizes #942
Detail: Phone number was only linked on mobile view (767px and below) and coded in a way that repeated the number twice in Google search results, confusing users.
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-408
Footer - Correct hierarchy of headings #878
Detail: Hidden H2 added to provide semantic order of headings in the footer.
What was changed: HTML
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-63
Buttons - Fix appearance of blue primary button when used inside forms with class of qg-forms-v2 #701
Detail: Was appearing as secondary (outline) button instead of the default primary button.
What was changed: CSS
Documentation: Buttons
Internal ticket reference: QOLDEV-76
Section navigation - Re-instated grey background on hover, fixed alignment of focus outline, fixed focus styles for current page nav item ...
SWE v4.0.13
Released on 24 Aug 2022
🟢 New
Loading spinner component
Detail: A CSS-only loading spinner component for content areas and buttons.
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Documentation: Loading spinner, Button with a loading spinner
Internal ticket reference: QOL-7591
🔵 Improvements
Header with a minimised global search field
Detail: For pages with multiple search fields, there's an option to minimise the global search field.
What was changed: HTML, CSS, JS
Documentation: Header with a minimised global search field
Internal ticket reference: QOL-8459
Default | Minimised |
Breadcrumbs on desktop will fill the full width of the content area, before wrapping to another line
Detail: Removed the max-width and the transition animation as it requires a width, and isn't needed.
What was changed: HTML, CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOL-8647
Multi select ( design and user experience improvements
Detail: Increased font-size, more accessible use of colour, added focus styles.
What was changed: HTML, CSS, JS
Internal ticket reference: QOL-8843
Before | After |
🟡 Fixes
Promotional banner - Left align the buttons used within
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOL-8766
Cards - Left and right padding added at medium breakpoint and lower (≥768px)
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOL-9076
Before | After |
Typography - Changed the pink colour used for code text to have a WCAG AA compliant contrast ratio of 4.72:1
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOL-9154
Aside - Ensure images are responsive and don't overflow
What was changed: CSS
Internal ticket reference: QOL-8822
Deprecation notice
Images component
It's recommended to stop using the classes qg-cut-in
and figure-credits
, and replace existing instances with qg-fig
and figure-cc
Thanks to all who contributed to this release.
Released on 28 Apr 2022
🟢 New
Video embed component
Detail: This component can be used to embed videos into your content from sources like YouTube and Vimeo.
What was changed: HTML, styles
Ticket reference: QOL-8600
🔵 Improvements
Bottom margin added to alert component when used on aggregation page template
Detail: By default an alert appearing on aggregation page now has a 2em bottom margin.
What was changed: HTML, styles
Ticket reference: QOL-8320
Improved form styles
Detail: Updated form styling as seen on forms is now available by using the class .qg-forms-v2
. The class needs to be added to the parent element e.g. <form class="qg-forms-v2"></form>
. For radio buttons and checkboxes, add classes qg-forms-v2__radio
and qg-forms-v2__checkbox
to the radio or checkbox container.
What was changed: HTML, styles
Ticket reference: QOL-8391
Old (v1) | New (v2) |
Less padding in promotional banner component when viewed on smaller screens
Detail: Used a media query to prevent the unnecessary padding.
What was changed: Styles
Ticket reference: QOL-8615
Documentation for Google reCAPTCHA added to the forms component
Detail: Forms documentation now includes Google reCAPTCHA example and implementation guidance.
What was changed: HTML, scripts
Ticket reference: QOL-8398
Documentation added for promotional banner component
Detail: Documentation now includes a promotional banner component example and implementation guidance.
What was changed: HTML, scripts
Ticket reference: QOL-8676
🟡 Fixes
Fix alignment of icon and paragraph in alert component when used as a full-width page alert
Detail: Top margin of content inside alert component was set to 0.
What was changed: Styles
Ticket reference: QOL-8630
Before | After |
Fix expand icon size in image component when sitting in an aside
Detail: Expand icon was filling full width of parent container, has now been fixed.
What was changed: Styles
Ticket reference: QOL-8674
Before | After |
Fix alignment of second column in the promotional banner component
Detail: Buttons in this second column will now left align precisely.
What was changed: Styles
Ticket reference: QOL-8616
Thanks to all who contributed to this release.
Full Changelog: qld-gov-au/qg-web-template@4.0.11...v4.0.12
🟢 New
View images at larger size, in full screen
Detail: A ‘view larger image’ option is now available for images to display them in a full screen lightbox.
What was changed: Scripts, styles, HTML
Ticket reference: QOL-8396
Print page content feature
Detail: A 'print' link for users to quickly and easily print single or multiple pages of content.
What was changed: Scripts, styles
Ticket reference: QOL-7980
🔵 Improvements
Documentation for tables component
Detail: The tables component now has improved implementation documentation.
What was changed: HTML
Ticket reference: QOL-7774
Update Facebook feed to the latest embed script
Detail: The official way to include a Facebook feed changed, so updated accordingly in the SWE.
What was changed: Scripts
Ticket reference: QOL-8448
Update Font Awesome to use <span>
instead of <i>
Detail: This ensures compliance with WCAG 2.0 (level AA).
What was changed: HTML, styles
Ticket reference: QOL-8453
Add disabled state to radio buttons and checkboxes
Detail: Disabled state for existing form elements is now visually indicated/obvious.
What was changed: Styles
Ticket reference: QOL-7764
🟡 Fixes
Enable anchor/direct link to open an accordion panel via title and id attribute
Detail: Fixed and added a function to open an accordion panel with both a title and an id.
What was changed: Scripts
Ticket reference: DC-26939
Fix broken link in referencing AGLS metadata terms
Detail: Replaced with
What was changed: HTML
Ticket reference: QOL-8446
Prevent telephone number links from wrapping across lines
Detail: Used white-space
css property to stop all telephone number links wrapping.
What was changed: Styles
Ticket reference: QOL-8322
Before | After |
Thanks to all who contributed to this release.
Description of change | Images | Styles | Scripts | Includes | Template |
[QOL-7345] Mobile breadcrumb fix - On mobile, a [Previous page] breadcrumb that has a long character length is not breaking to the next line, extending the horizontal scroll of the page. Breadcrumb overflow (at a word level) should break onto the next line. | - | Yes | - | - | - |
[QOL-7413] Twitter feed should be fixed height and scrollable - Update the Twitter feed so that it is scrollable (and behaves the same way as the Facebook feed). | - | - | - | - | Yes |
[QOL-7755] Update jQuery in SWE - Updated to 3.6.0 | - | - | Yes | - | - |
[QOL-8019] Global search field border radius - On the global search field, the top-right and bottom-right radius is 0px instead of 4px. | - | Yes | - | - | - |
[QOL-7763] Aggregation pages Mobile banner bg colour to be white | - | Yes | - | - | - |
[QOL-7954] Create version specific header styles and footer script templates - Added templates to lock in the scripts and styles versions instead of 'latest' | - | - | Yes | - | Yes |
Description of change | Images | Styles | Scripts | Includes | Template |
[QOL-7852] Search results page model updates | - | Yes | Yes | - | - |
[QOL-8182] Search page model - remove links from related search tags (change in Matrix REST resource) | - | - | - | - | - |
[QOL-8183] Fix footer contact details spacing issue in 'No location template'. | - | - | - | - | Yes |
[QOL-8077] Fix extra apostrophe displayed within quotes (change in Matrix REST resource) | - | - | - | - | - |
[QOL-7763] New Promotional banner component to Aggregation page | - | Yes | - | - | Yes |
[QOL-7657, QOL-7654, QOL-7661, QOL-7651, QOL-7650] Service finder page updates to use SWE page model | - | Yes | Yes | - | Yes |
Description of change | Images | Styles | Scripts | Includes | Template |
QOL-7757 Section navigation: The removal of interactivity from an already selected menu item | - | Yes | - | - | - |
QOL-7852 Accordion component: Accessibility and style improvements to the Accordion component. Doco: | - | Yes | - | - | - |
DC-19850 Accordion component: Improved Google Analytics tracking for Accordion component | - | - | Yes | - | - |
QOL-7771 Contact Us (in the footer): A minor update to the layout to visually group labels and phone numbers. | - | Yes | - | - | Yes |
QOL-7082 A new Inpage nav component added to the SWE library, which can be used to help users scan a page and navigate to different sections of a page. Doco: | - | Yes | - | - | Yes |
QOL-7763 Recaptcha should not be enabled on all pages until a form requests it | - | - | Yes | - | - |
QOL-7417 Global search (featured results): Colour contract improvements on hyperlinks | - | Yes | - | - | - |
QOL-7490 Alerts component: Additional spacing between Alerts | - | Yes | - | - | - |