LLTextView is an placeholder enabled subclass of UITextView.
- LLTextView is customisable
- LLTextView supports configuration from User Defined Runtime Attributes in Storyboard
- LLTextView placeholder is overlay that separated from text input, so feel free to use textView.text to get the actual text
Copy LLTextView.h & LLTextView.m to your project, and make sure that the references are added to correct target.
Simply drag a UITextView from Object Library, and put it wherever you want on your storyboard. Then, reveal "Utilities" of Xcode, select the UITextView and configure its in Identity Inspector as below
Set placeholder text
[self.textView setPlaceholderText:@"This is programmatically configured placeholder"];
Set placeholder color
[self.textView setPlaceholderColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
Set placeholder animation duration
[self.textView setPlaceholderAnimationDurationFloat:0.3];
// Alternative setting placeholderAnimationDuration
[self.textView setPlaceholderAnimationDuration:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.3]];
Set placeholderFrame
[self.textView setPlaceholderBounds:CGRectMake(8, 8, self.textView.frame.size.width - 16, 0)];
// Alternative setting placeholderFrame
[self.textView setPlaceholderFrame:[NSValue valueWithCGRect:CGRectMake(8, 8, self.textView.frame.size.width - 16, 0)]];