It's a experimental framework. Do not use in product environment.
Currently, the "xpm" branch can not build automatically, because it depend on "xpm" (Xcode package manager) which is not available yet.
Available on iOS, macOS
Unlike other Swift JSON framework, It's implement a UTF-8 (only) JSON decoder. (Because I hate NSJSONSerialization
and NSNull
// Decode a JSON String:
let json = try! JSON.parse("{\"foobar\": 1}")
print(json["foobar"].int == 1)
// true
Available on iOS
A "flexible box" layout engine written in Swift.
let box = FlexLayout()
let child = FlexLayout()
box.calculate(width: 100, height: 100, direction: .ltr)
box.print(options: .layout)
//<div layout="width: 100.0; height: 100.0; top: 0.0; left: 0.0; " >
// <div layout="width: 10.0; height: 10.0; top: 45.0; left: 45.0; " ></div>
Available on iOS
A Texture like UI interface layer, built top of "FlexLayout".
let child = ViewElement()
.style { flex in
flex.size(width: 10, height: 10)
let box = ViewElement(children: [child])
.style { flex in
box.layout(width: 100, height: 100)
let view: UIView = box.buildView()
Available on iOS
Supported Permissions:
- Camera
- Contact
- Location
- Notification
- Photo
- Health
- Motion
Other kinds of permission may add in the future.
// Check the status of health permission
let status: Driver<Permission> = Permission.status(.health) { permission in
// ...
Available on iOS
Available on iOS, macOS
This framework heavily inspired by following projects: