Congratulations! You're invited to make the world's most unnecessary C# web server. We've boldly reimplemented HTTP from scratch, because why use battle-tested libraries when you can roll your own bugs?
- Serves web pages... sometimes
- Implements HTTP/1.1... mostly
- Written in C#... definitely
- Clone this repo
- Build the project
- Run the server while praying to the TCP/IP gods
- Marvel at your creation
Q: Why did you make this? A: Because sleep is overrated and sanity is optional.
Q: Is it production-ready? A: If by "production" you mean "showing off to your cat," then absolutely!
Q: Can I contribute? A: Sure! The more hands on this keyboard, the more entertaining the bugs become.
This server is about as stable as a jenga tower in an earthquake. Use at your own risk. Side effects may include hair loss, uncontrollable laughter, and a newfound appreciation for established web frameworks.
Remember: When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make a web server that can handle citrus-related requests.
Happy serving! 🚀