Yet another *nix distro fetching program, but less complex. Written in POSIX shell.
Here's the list of currently supported operating systems. "Supported" means having OS logo and packages layer available. Otherwise, disfetch will show default tux logo with no packages count.
- Alpine Linux
- Android
- Astra Linux
- ArchBang Linux
- ArchLabs Linux
- Arch Linux
- ArcoLinux
- Artix Linux
- Bedrock Linux
- CentOS
- Debian
- Elementary OS
- EndeavourOS
- Fedora
- Garuda Linux
- Gentoo Linux
- Haiku OS
- Kali Linux
- Kubuntu
- Linux Mint
- lubuntu - only packages
- Manjaro
- MX Linux
- NixOS
- openSUSE
- Parabola Linux-libre
- postmarketOS
- Qubes OS
- Raspbian
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Slackware Linux
- Ubuntu
- Void Linux
- Zorin OS
- There's a package in AUR.
- There's a package in MPR.
- There's a package in Alpine.
- There's also a package in Nixpkgs.
- Grabbing the latest release tarball then running
make install
should be enough.
Feel free to contribute, create and maintain packages for disfetch for your favorite distros.
See disfetch -h