TDLib Server is a high-performance Go server built to scale Telegram bots using TDLib and RabbitMQ.
- Easy to Use: Simple setup and configuration for quick integration.
- High Performance: Optimized for scaling high-loaded Telegram bots.
- Go-Powered: Built with Go for concurrency and speed.
- RabbitMQ Integration: Seamless integration with RabbitMQ for efficient asynchronous message handling.
Here’s an example of how you can use Pytdbot to interact with TDLib Server:
import asyncio
import logging
from pytdbot import Client
from pytdbot.types import Message
format="[%(levelname)s][%(filename)s:%(lineno)d][%(funcName)s] %(message)s",
client = Client(
rabbitmq_url="amqp://username:[email protected]:5672/", # RabbitMQ URL
async def say_hello(c: Client, message: Message):
msg = await message.reply_text("Hey there! I'm cooking up a surprise... 🍳👨🍳")
async with message.action("choose_sticker"):
await asyncio.sleep(5)
await msg.edit_text("Boo! 👻 Just kidding.")
Follow these steps to set up and build TDLib Server on your system.
Once TDLib and RabbitMQ are installed, you're ready to build TDLib Server:
Clone the repository
git clone cd tdlib-server
Build TDLib Server
If TDLib is not installed system-wide (a.k.a
):TDLIB_DIR="/path/to/tdlib" make build
Ensure you adjust the paths to match your installation directories. By default TDLib install files at
If TDLib is installed system-wide (recommended), just do:
make build
Optionally, you can install
system-wide:make install
Run the server:
tdlib-server --config config.ini
All configuration options can be found in config.ini.
You can also view the available cli options by running:
tdlib-server --help
Thank you for taking the time to view or use this project.
Special thanks to @levlam for maintaining TDLib and for his support in creating TDLib Server.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.