pyiron_base<=0.3.10 has a bug that writes all arrays with dtype=object even numeric ones. In this new release the writing of the arrays is fixed.
Since this affects the content of the hdf file this is a minor version bump.
Although it was intended, such dtype=object arrays are not yet always automatically converted into numeric ones in the reading procedure in this release. This will be fixed asap.
Merged PRs:
- Convert dtype=object arrays if possible (#518)
- Do not copy files on restart (#511)
- Refactor global state (#486)
- Faster hdf reading (#512)
- Correctly check for ragged array (#503) - Fixing the major bug
- Test for type conservation (#508)
- Worker Job Class (#497)
- Bugfix in case of None type values (#488)
- Avoid compressing only if zipped file name has the job name in it (#507)
- erase lines in (#233)
- Clean up subprocess and multiprocessing calls (#498)
- Do not lose track of dtypes in get_array_ragged (#494)
- Save pyiron tables via DataContainer instead of csv (#463)
- dependency updates: #500, #515