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Generalize lazy backend indexing a little more #10078

merged 6 commits into from
Feb 28, 2025


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@dcherian dcherian commented Feb 26, 2025

This helps us support reading from Zarr to GPU memory:

Confirmed working by @TomAugspurger @weiji14 @negin513 @kafitzgerald !

@dcherian dcherian changed the title [WIP] cupy zarr fixes Generalize lazy indexing a little more. Feb 26, 2025
@dcherian dcherian marked this pull request as ready for review February 26, 2025 23:02
@dcherian dcherian changed the title Generalize lazy indexing a little more. Generalize lazy backend indexing a little more Feb 26, 2025
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Thanks @dcherian! Here's an example running this:

$ uv run --with pooch --with scipy --with ipython --with zarr --with cupy-cuda12x --with "xarray @ git+" ipython
Installed 41 packages in 43ms
Python 3.12.8 (main, Jan 14 2025, 22:49:14) [Clang 19.1.6 ]
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In [1]: import xarray as xr
   ...: import zarr
   ...: xr.tutorial.open_dataset("air_temperature").to_zarr(
   ...:     "test.zarr", zarr_format=3, mode="w"
   ...: )
   ...: with zarr.config.enable_gpu():
   ...:     ds = xr.open_dataset("test.zarr", engine="zarr", decode_times=False)
   ...:     print(type(
<ipython-input-1-870251b7bb27>:4: SerializationWarning: saving variable None with floating point data as an integer dtype without any _FillValue to use for NaNs
/raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/zarr/api/ UserWarning: Consolidated metadata is currently not part in the Zarr format 3 specification. It may not be supported by other zarr implementations and may change in the future.
<class 'cupy.ndarray'>

Note that with the default decode_times=True, we do still get a TypeError:

In [4]: with zarr.config.enable_gpu():
   ...:     ds = xr.open_dataset("test.zarr", engine="zarr")
   ...:     print(type(
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
File /raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xarray/, in decode_cf_variables(variables, attributes, concat_characters, mask_and_scale, decode_times, decode_coords, drop_variables, use_cftime, decode_timedelta)
    400 try:
--> 401     new_vars[k] = decode_cf_variable(
    402         k,
    403         v,
    404         concat_characters=_item_or_default(concat_characters, k, True),
    405         mask_and_scale=_item_or_default(mask_and_scale, k, True),
    406         decode_times=_item_or_default(decode_times, k, True),
    407         stack_char_dim=stack_char_dim,
    408         use_cftime=_item_or_default(use_cftime, k, None),
    409         decode_timedelta=_item_or_default(decode_timedelta, k, None),
    410     )
    411 except Exception as e:

File /raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xarray/, in decode_cf_variable(name, var, concat_characters, mask_and_scale, decode_times, decode_endianness, stack_char_dim, use_cftime, decode_timedelta)
    225             raise TypeError(
    226                 "Usage of 'use_cftime' as a kwarg is not allowed "
    227                 "if a 'CFDatetimeCoder' instance is passed to "
    232                 "    ds = xr.open_dataset(decode_times=time_coder)\n",
    233             )
--> 234     var = decode_times.decode(var, name=name)
    236 if decode_endianness and not var.dtype.isnative:

File /raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xarray/coding/, in CFDatetimeCoder.decode(self, variable, name)
   1334 calendar = pop_to(attrs, encoding, "calendar")
-> 1335 dtype = _decode_cf_datetime_dtype(
   1336     data, units, calendar, self.use_cftime, self.time_unit
   1337 )
   1338 transform = partial(
   1339     decode_cf_datetime,
   1340     units=units,
   1343     time_unit=self.time_unit,
   1344 )

File /raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xarray/coding/, in _decode_cf_datetime_dtype(data, units, calendar, use_cftime, time_unit)
    311 values = indexing.ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter(indexing.as_indexable(data))
    312 example_value = np.concatenate(
--> 313     [first_n_items(values, 1) or [0], last_item(values) or [0]]
    314 )
    316 try:

File /raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xarray/core/, in first_n_items(array, n_desired)
     96     array = array._data
---> 97 return np.ravel(to_duck_array(array))[:n_desired]

File /raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xarray/namedarray/, in to_duck_array(data, **kwargs)
    137 else:
--> 138     return np.asarray(data)

File /raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xarray/core/, in ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter.__array__(self, dtype, copy)
    573 if Version(np.__version__) >= Version("2.0.0"):
--> 574     return np.asarray(self.get_duck_array(), dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
    575 else:

File cupy/_core/core.pyx:1481, in cupy._core.core._ndarray_base.__array__()

TypeError: Implicit conversion to a NumPy array is not allowed. Please use `.get()` to construct a NumPy array explicitly.

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 2
      1 with zarr.config.enable_gpu():
----> 2     ds = xr.open_dataset("test.zarr", engine="zarr")
      3     print(type(

File /raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xarray/backends/, in open_dataset(filename_or_obj, engine, chunks, cache, decode_cf, mask_and_scale, decode_times, decode_timedelta, use_cftime, concat_characters, decode_coords, drop_variables, inline_array, chunked_array_type, from_array_kwargs, backend_kwargs, **kwargs)
    673 decoders = _resolve_decoders_kwargs(
    674     decode_cf,
    675     open_backend_dataset_parameters=backend.open_dataset_parameters,
    681     decode_coords=decode_coords,
    682 )
    684 overwrite_encoded_chunks = kwargs.pop("overwrite_encoded_chunks", None)
--> 685 backend_ds = backend.open_dataset(
    686     filename_or_obj,
    687     drop_variables=drop_variables,
    688     **decoders,
    689     **kwargs,
    690 )
    691 ds = _dataset_from_backend_dataset(
    692     backend_ds,
    693     filename_or_obj,
    703     **kwargs,
    704 )
    705 return ds

File /raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xarray/backends/, in ZarrBackendEntrypoint.open_dataset(self, filename_or_obj, mask_and_scale, decode_times, concat_characters, decode_coords, drop_variables, use_cftime, decode_timedelta, group, mode, synchronizer, consolidated, chunk_store, storage_options, zarr_version, zarr_format, store, engine, use_zarr_fill_value_as_mask, cache_members)
   1578 store_entrypoint = StoreBackendEntrypoint()
   1579 with close_on_error(store):
-> 1580     ds = store_entrypoint.open_dataset(
   1581         store,
   1582         mask_and_scale=mask_and_scale,
   1583         decode_times=decode_times,
   1584         concat_characters=concat_characters,
   1585         decode_coords=decode_coords,
   1586         drop_variables=drop_variables,
   1587         use_cftime=use_cftime,
   1588         decode_timedelta=decode_timedelta,
   1589     )
   1590 return ds

File /raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xarray/backends/, in StoreBackendEntrypoint.open_dataset(self, filename_or_obj, mask_and_scale, decode_times, concat_characters, decode_coords, drop_variables, use_cftime, decode_timedelta)
     44 vars, attrs = filename_or_obj.load()
     45 encoding = filename_or_obj.get_encoding()
---> 47 vars, attrs, coord_names = conventions.decode_cf_variables(
     48     vars,
     49     attrs,
     50     mask_and_scale=mask_and_scale,
     51     decode_times=decode_times,
     52     concat_characters=concat_characters,
     53     decode_coords=decode_coords,
     54     drop_variables=drop_variables,
     55     use_cftime=use_cftime,
     56     decode_timedelta=decode_timedelta,
     57 )
     59 ds = Dataset(vars, attrs=attrs)
     60 ds = ds.set_coords(coord_names.intersection(vars))

File /raid/toaugspurger/uv/archive-v0/yduzEAGBqcU7fURbvFkfK/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xarray/, in decode_cf_variables(variables, attributes, concat_characters, mask_and_scale, decode_times, decode_coords, drop_variables, use_cftime, decode_timedelta)
    401     new_vars[k] = decode_cf_variable(
    402         k,
    403         v,
    409         decode_timedelta=_item_or_default(decode_timedelta, k, None),
    410     )
    411 except Exception as e:
--> 412     raise type(e)(f"Failed to decode variable {k!r}: {e}") from e
    413 if decode_coords in [True, "coordinates", "all"]:
    414     var_attrs = new_vars[k].attrs

TypeError: Failed to decode variable 'time': Implicit conversion to a NumPy array is not allowed. Please use `.get()` to construct a NumPy array explicitly.

I believe that something like #10079 is an option for fixing that, by instructing zarr to always read coordinates into host memory.

@dcherian dcherian merged commit 0184702 into pydata:main Feb 28, 2025
37 checks passed
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