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Polyfit performance on large datasets - Suboptimal dask task graph #5629

jbusecke opened this issue Jul 22, 2021 · 18 comments · Fixed by #9766

Polyfit performance on large datasets - Suboptimal dask task graph #5629

jbusecke opened this issue Jul 22, 2021 · 18 comments · Fixed by #9766


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What happened:

I am trying to calculate a linear trend over a large climate model simulation. I use rechunker to chunk the data along the horizontal dimensions and make sure that the time dimension (along which I want to calculate the fit) is not chunked.
In my realistic example, this blows up the memory of my workers.

What you expected to happen:
I expected this to work very smoothly because it should be embarassingly parallel (no information of sourrounding chunks is needed and the time dimension is complete in each chunk).

Minimal Complete Verifiable Example:
I think this minimal example shows that the task graph created is not ideal

import xarray as xr
import dask.array as dsa
da = xr.DataArray(dsa.random.random((4,6, 100), chunks=(1,2,100)), dims=['x','y', 'time'])


Note that the original data array has 12 chunks

When I apply polyfit I get this

poly = da.polyfit('time', 1)


Now the number of chunks has decreased to 4? I am not sure why, but this indicates to me that my problem might be related to #4554.

When I look at the task graph it seems that this explains why for very large dataset the computation blows up:

As I said before I would expect this calculation to be fully parallelizable, but there seems to be some aggregation/rechunking steps in the bottom layer. How 'bad' these get (e.g. how many input chunks get lumped together in the rechunk/merge step, depends on the chunking structure of the horizontal axes.

cc @TomNicholas

Anything else we need to know?:


Output of xr.show_versions()


commit: None
python: 3.8.8 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Feb 20 2021, 16:22:27)
[GCC 9.3.0]
python-bits: 64
OS: Linux
OS-release: 5.4.89+
machine: x86_64
processor: x86_64
byteorder: little
libhdf5: 1.10.6
libnetcdf: 4.7.4

xarray: 0.17.0
pandas: 1.2.4
numpy: 1.20.2
scipy: 1.6.2
netCDF4: 1.5.6
pydap: installed
h5netcdf: 0.11.0
h5py: 3.2.1
Nio: None
zarr: 2.7.1
cftime: 1.4.1
nc_time_axis: 1.2.0
PseudoNetCDF: None
rasterio: 1.2.2
iris: None
bottleneck: 1.3.2
dask: 2021.04.1
distributed: 2021.04.1
matplotlib: 3.4.1
cartopy: 0.19.0
seaborn: None
numbagg: None
pint: 0.17
setuptools: 49.6.0.post20210108
pip: 20.3.4
conda: None
pytest: None
IPython: 7.22.0
sphinx: None

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It's the same thing: stack is a reshape which can be very inefficient with dask. I think we want to replace the stack+apply_along_axis approach with xr.apply_ufunc(np.polyfit, ..., vectorize=True).

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Contributor Author

Should I close this one then?

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TomNicholas commented Jul 22, 2021

Thanks for the clear example @jbusecke . I think your example is helpful enough that we should keep this open (even if the same PR will hopefully close both this and #4554)

Was about to say the same @dcherian! @aulemahal what do you think about how easy it might be to change polyfit to use apply_ufunc?

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slevang commented Jul 22, 2021

Potentially a useful comparison: here is the task graph for the same problem posed to da.curvefit, which uses xr.apply_ufunc(scipy.optimize.curvefit, ..., vectorize=True). Looks a lot cleaner, and I think xr.polyfit could be re-implemented this way without much trouble.

import xarray as xr
import dask.array as dsa

def linear(x, m, b):
    return m * x + b

da = xr.DataArray(dsa.random.random((4,6, 100), chunks=(1,2,100)), dims=['x','y', 'time'])
fit = da.curvefit('time', linear).curvefit_coefficients


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@aulemahal what do you think about how easy it might be to change polyfit to use apply_ufunc?

Should be easy! The code was written without apply_ufunc for a few reasons, one being that using apply_ufunc+vectorize was slower than the apply_along_axis trick it currently uses. But, with the issue raised here, that might not be true...

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You could write a wrapper that does reshape + apply_along_axis and call that wrapper in apply_ufunc without vectorize

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apply_ufunc was refactored to use dask.array.apply_gufunc (which moves the vectorization to dask) after implementation of polyfit.
So those concerns about slowness of apply_ufunc + vectorization where based on the formerly used _apply_blockwise approach and might not be an issue any more with the current implementation of apply_ufunc .

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dcherian commented Nov 3, 2021

In reading through #5933, I realized there's an alternate solution that preserves the desirable feature of fitting along chunked dimensions (at least for skipna=False)

Since we are only ever fitting along one dimension, we can apply the reshape-other-dimensions operation blockwise. As long as we reshape back in a consistent manner (again blockwise) this is identical to our current stacking approach, but substantially more efficient. In particular, it avoids merging chunks.

def reshape_block(arr, output_chunks):
    Blockwise reshape array to match output_chunks

    This method applies a reshape operation blockwise, so it only makes sense if
    you do not care about the order of elements (along reshaped axes) after reshaping.
    The order of elements will depend on the chunking of ``arr``.
    It is substantially more efficient than a usual reshape, which makes sure array elements
    appear in a numpy-like order regardless of chunking.

    Based on

    from itertools import product

    import numpy as np
    from dask.array import Array
    from dask.base import tokenize
    from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph

    name = "reshape-block-" + tokenize(arr)
    ichunks = tuple(range(len(chunks_v)) for chunks_v in arr.chunks)
    ochunks = tuple(range(len(chunks_v)) for chunks_v in output_chunks)

    dsk = {
        (name, *ochunk): (np.reshape, (, *ichunk), oshape)
        for ichunk, ochunk, oshape in zip(
            product(*ichunks), product(*ochunks), product(*output_chunks)

    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[arr])
    res = Array(graph, name, output_chunks, arr.dtype, meta=arr._meta)

    return res
def polyfit(da, dim, skipna=False):
    import itertools

    import numpy as np

    da = da.transpose(..., dim)
    arr =

    do_blockwise_reshape = arr.ndim > 1 and any(
        len(chunks) > 1 for chunks in arr.chunks
    if do_blockwise_reshape:
        output_chunks = (tuple(map(np.product, product(*arr.chunks[:-1]))),) + (
        other_dims = tuple(dim_ for dim_ in da.dims if dim_ != dim)
        reshaped = xr.DataArray(
            reshape_block(arr, output_chunks), dims=("__reshaped__", dim)
        reshaped = da

    fit = reshaped.polyfit(dim, 1, skipna=skipna)

    if do_blockwise_reshape:
        result = xr.Dataset()
        for var in fit:
            result[var] = (
                ("degree",) + other_dims,
                reshape_block(fit[var].data, ((2,),) + arr.chunks[:-1]),

        for dim_ in other_dims:
            result[dim_] = da[dim_]
        result["degree"] = fit["degree"]
        return result
        return fit

Here's the graph 1 chunk along time (like @jbusecke's example, and skipna=True)

And when the time dimension is chunked (and skipna=False)


older version

from itertools import product

import numpy as np
from dask.array import Array
from dask.array.utils import assert_eq
from dask.base import tokenize
from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph

def reshape_block(arr, output_chunks):
    Blockwise reshape array to match output_chunks

    This method applies a reshape operation blockwise, so it only makes sense if
    you do not care about the order of elements (along reshaped axes) after reshaping.
    The order of elements will depend on the chunking of ``arr``.
    It is substantially more efficient than a usual reshape, which makes sure array elements
    appear in a numpy-like order regardless of chunking.
    Based on

    name = "reshape-block-" + tokenize(arr)
    ichunks = tuple(range(len(chunks_v)) for chunks_v in arr.chunks)
    ochunks = tuple(range(len(chunks_v)) for chunks_v in output_chunks)

    dsk = {
        (name, *ochunk): (np.reshape, (, *ichunk), oshape)
        for ichunk, ochunk, oshape in zip(
            product(*ichunks), product(*ochunks), product(*output_chunks)

    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[arr])
    res = Array(graph, name, output_chunks, arr.dtype, meta=arr._meta)

    return res

# assumes we're collapsing axes (0,1) and preserving axis 2
output_chunks = (tuple(map(np.product, product(*arr.chunks[:2]))),) + (arr.chunks[-1],)
reshaped = reshape_block(arr, output_chunks)

# make sure that we roundtrip
actual = reshape_block(reshaped, arr.chunks)
assert_eq(actual, arr) # True
def new_polyfit(da):
    arr =
    output_chunks = (tuple(map(np.product, product(*arr.chunks[:2]))),) + (
    reshaped = xr.DataArray(reshape_block(arr, output_chunks), dims=("xy", "time"))
    fit = reshaped.polyfit("time", 1, skipna=True)
    result = xr.Dataset()
    for var in fit:
        result[var] = (
            ("degree", "x", "y"),
            reshape_block(fit[var].data, ((2,),) + arr.chunks[:-1]),

    result["x"] = da["x"]
    result["y"] = da["y"]
    result["degree"] = fit["degree"]
    return result

poly = da.polyfit("time", 1, skipna=False)

xr.testing.assert_allclose(poly, new_polyfit(da))  # True!

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@dcherian Is that something that could be implemented in apply_ufunc? Not being able to apply along a chunked dim I think happens quite often, right?

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dcherian commented Nov 4, 2021

The problem is that there is no general solution here. You have to write a chunk-aware function and then use apply_ufunc(..., dask="allowed"). This suggestion only works because dask's lstsq can work with chunked dimensions.

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The problem is that there is no general solution here. You have to write a chunk-aware function and then use apply_ufunc(..., dask="allowed"). This suggestion only works because dask's lstsq can work with chunked dimensions.

Sorry, what case does your suggestion not handle? It would be really nice to support chunked core dims if we are going to the effort of rewriting polyfit.

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dcherian commented Nov 4, 2021

Is that something that could be implemented in apply_ufunc?

I interpreted this as asking whether this general idea could be implemented in apply-ufunc, to which the answer is "no" (I think) because it's pretty specific. At best we put this logic in a wrapper function and call that with apply_ufunc(..., dask="allowed").

This should handle all current use-cases of polyfit, we just change the call to stack.

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Illviljan commented Nov 4, 2021

I was thinking the general idea of reshape_block seems like a clever trick to get around the apply_ufunc constraints and could be used for some other functions as well. But maybe there aren't that many functions that could make use of it.

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TomNicholas commented Nov 4, 2021

I was thinking the general idea of reshape_block seems like a clever trick to get around the apply_ufunc constraints and could be used for some other functions as well. But maybe there aren't that many functions that could make use of it.

The idea seems similar to what we used in xhistogram, which uses blockwise to apply a function that reshapes the data in that block to be 1D.

EDIT: But in that case our algorithm was one that could be applied blockwise, apply_ufunc was not used.

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dcherian commented Nov 4, 2021

a clever trick to get around the apply_ufunc constraints

To clarify, the constraint here is that lstsq expects 2D arrays, that's why the reshaping was needed in the first place.

apply_ufunc(..., dask="parallelized") automatically applies your dask-unaware function blockwise which only makes sense if there is a single chunk along the core dimension, hence that constraint.

apply_ufunc(..., dask="allowed") has no constraints, your function has to know how to deal with chunked data though.

uses blockwise to apply a function that reshapes the data in that block to be 1D.

Yes, same idea. Though when you do it that way, you have to implement the function you're applying (that xhistogram PR reimplements dask.array.bincount). Reimplementing lstsq is a lot more complicated, hence this approach.

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phofl commented Aug 14, 2024

The explosion in chunk sizes will be fixed in the next dask release, task graph is still relatively complex though

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phofl commented Aug 19, 2024

Looking at this again, I was incorrect. Here is the graph of the current implementation:


This is basically embarrassingly parallel, so I think we can close this one?

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Very nice! yeah I think @jbusecke's example is the case where the "blockwise reshaping" isn't really needed because the outer most axis has chunk size 1.

let's leave it open for the more general solution.

dcherian added a commit to dcherian/xarray that referenced this issue Nov 11, 2024
Closes pydata#5629

1. Use Variable instead of DataArray
2. Use `reshape_blockwise` when possible following pydata#5629 (comment)
dcherian added a commit to dcherian/xarray that referenced this issue Nov 11, 2024
Closes pydata#5629

1. Use Variable instead of DataArray
2. Use `reshape_blockwise` when possible following pydata#5629 (comment)
@dcherian dcherian mentioned this issue Nov 11, 2024
1 task
dcherian added a commit to dcherian/xarray that referenced this issue Nov 11, 2024
Closes pydata#5629

1. Use Variable instead of DataArray
2. Use `reshape_blockwise` when possible following pydata#5629 (comment)
dcherian added a commit that referenced this issue Nov 13, 2024
* Optimize polyfit

Closes #5629

1. Use Variable instead of DataArray
2. Use `reshape_blockwise` when possible following #5629 (comment)

* clean up little more

* more clean up

* Add one comment

* Update doc/whats-new.rst

* [] auto fixes from hooks

for more information, see

* fix whats-new

* Update doc/whats-new.rst

Co-authored-by: Maximilian Roos <[email protected]>


Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Maximilian Roos <[email protected]>
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