This repository contains the source code for the iden3 documentation website.
The website is generated and deployed using readthedocs.
The actual website is available at
The content of this website is available under CC BY-SA 4.0.
The surrounding source code is available under GPL-3.0.
All contributions will fall under theses two licenses based on the type of contribution.
The documentation website can easily be built locally either for offline use or for contribution purposes.
Download/clone github repository
git clone cd iden3-docs
Install Readthedocs and dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install pandoc pandoc-citeproc
Collect iden3 documentation scattered across several repos.
make doc
Build documentation
make html
Preview documentation located in build/html/index.html.
Anyone is welcome to contribute to the documentation by submitting pull requests to this repository.
Please read the contribution guidelines first, to allow for smooth collaboration. There is also a FAQ document providing further guidelines