Version 3.17.4, 2023-12-24
What's new
Bug Fixes (BUG)
- Handle IndirectObject as image filter (#2355) by @stefan6419846
Documentation (DOC)
- Quote specs in generate_file_identifiers (#2363) by @exiledkingcc
- Notes about form fields and annotations (#1945) by @dmjohnsson23
- Notes about update_page_form_field_values(auto_regenerate) (#2359) by @dmjohnsson23
- Fix stamping example (#2358) by @dmjohnsson23
- Stamp images directly on a PDF (#2357) by @dmjohnsson23
- Correct the example of adding highlight annotation (#2341) by @Tobeabellwether
Maintenance (MAINT)
- Update upload-artifact and download-artifact actions from v3 to v4 (#2352) by @stefan6419846
Testing (TST)
- Add xfail test for #2336 (#2365) by @MartinThoma
- Increase test coverage for flate handling of image mode 1 (#2339) by @stefan6419846
Code Style (STY)
- File identifier generation restructuring (#2362) by @exiledkingcc
- Add PdfWriter._ID attribute (#2361) by @exiledkingcc
- Variable naming convention (#2360) by @MartinThoma