PWRJ is a Java library for interacting with the PWR network. It provides an easy interface for wallet management and sending transactions on PWR.
- Generate wallets and manage keys
- Get wallet balance and nonce
- Build, sign and broadcast transactions
- Transfer PWR tokens
- Send data to PWR virtual machines
- Interact with PWR nodes via RPC
- Java 8+
PWRJ is available on Maven Central. Add this dependency to your pom.xml
Or Gradle:
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.pwrlabs:pwrj:1.0.6'
Import the library:
import com.github.pwrlabs.pwrj.*;
Set your RPC node:
Generate a new wallet:
PWRWallet wallet = new PWRWallet();
You also have the flexibility to import existing wallets using a variety of constructors
String privateKey = "private key"; //Replace with hex private key
PWRWallet wallet = new PWRWallet(privateKey);
byte[] privateKey = ...;
PWRWallet wallet = new PWRWallet(privateKey);
ECKeyPair ecKeyPair = ...; //Generate or import ecKeyPair
PWRWallet wallet = new PWRWallet(ecKeyPair);
Get wallet address:
String address = wallet.getAddress();
Get wallet balance:
long balance = wallet.getBalance();
Get private key:
BigInteger privateKey = wallet.getPrivateKey();
Transfer PWR tokens:
wallet.transferPWR("recipientAddress", 1000);
Sending a transcation to the PWR Chain returns a Response object, which specified if the transaction was a success, and returns relevant data. If the transaction was a success, you can retrieive the transaction hash, if it failed, you can fetch the error.
Response r = wallet.transferPWR("recipientAddress", 1000);
if(r.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println("Transcation Hash: " + r.getMessage());
} else {
System.out.println("Error: " + r.getError());
Send data to a VM:
int vmId = 123;
byte[] data = ...;
Response r = wallet.sendVmDataTxn(vmId, data);
if(r.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println("Transcation Hash: " + r.getMessage());
} else {
System.out.println("Error: " + r.getError());
Update fee per byte:
Fetches latest fee-per-byte rate from the RPC node and updates the local fee rate.
Get RPC Node Url:
Returns currently set RPC node URL.
String url = PWRJ.getRpcNodeUrl();
**Get Fee Per Byte: **
Gets the latest fee-per-byte rate.
long fee = PWRJ.getFeePerByte();
Get Balance Of Address:
Gets the balance of a specific address.
long balance = PWRJ.getBalanceOfAddress("0x...");
Get Nonce Of Address:
Gets the nonce/transaction count of a specific address.
int nonce = PWRJ.getNonceOfAddress("0x...");
Broadcast Txn:
Broadcasts a signed transaction to the network.
byte[] signedTransaction = ...;
Pull requests are welcome!
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.