Cellular Data Network Simulator is dedicated WiFi network to monitor network usage and simulate network link conditions for mobile applications. It uses well established technologies: OpenWrt, tc, iptables and CloudShark.
Read more at Polidea Blog
- Easy to use web and mobile interface
- Simulate: bandwidth, delay, loss, corruption, occasional loss of signal
- Can capture the traffic and send it to CloudShark
- Apply limits per-device
- Works well in environment with multiple devices and multiple testers
- Works well as virtual machine bridged with separate wireless network
- OpenWrt device running on Barrier Breaker (trunk repository) - can be router or virtual machine
- Two network interfaces - one for WAN and one for WIFI/LAN
The are a few simple steps to install Cellular Data Network Simulator:
Install cdns:
opkg update opkg install http://polidea.github.io/Cellular-Data-Network-Simulator/cdns_0.5-1_all.ipk
Installation of Cellular Data Network Simulator replaces default Luci webpage. The Luci can be accessed using: http://ip-address/index-old.html
vim /etc/config/cdns
By default there are 5 profiles: Full, HSDPA, Edge, GPRS and Disabled.
Start the service:
/etc/init.d/cdns enable /etc/init.d/cdns start
That simply enables and starts the service,
Start the uhttpd daemon:
/etc/init.d/uhttpd enable /etc/init.d/uhttpd start
If you didn’t do it before you have to enable and start the uhttpd daemon.
Start using:
Simply open: http://ip-address/.
/etc/init.d/cdns stop
opkg remove cdns
Download sources:
git clone <repo-path>
Build the package yourself:
For more options view help:
make help
BSD 2-Clause License
- v.0.5-0: First public release (25.11.2013)
- v.0.5-1: Bug fixing (12.02.2014)