Simple api for exploring public movie database. Build to play with node, mongo, docker, and several other things.
There are 2 options.
- If you can use docker (, try:
- If you want to run it without docker:
yarn init #assumes you have node and yarn installed on your system.
- Docker:
- No docker:
Notice: According to the golden 'never mock it if you do not control it' rule, the tests provided are integration tests. As such, they rely on external services such as database and external api - just like the app does. If an external service is missing or takes too long to respond, the tests can fail. This, actually, can give us a clue to fix these areas where we see them failing too often someday...
Oh, it has been checked with ESLint - if you check it with another linter and it fails, well, blame ESLint.
You can't. Unless you really wish to. Because I took some time to play with different development/deployment environments here, there is bit of a mess. Docker containers store config values in their Docker* and *-compose files; Heroku stores config online and in local .env files; local environment variables are configured in a very ugly way as part of bash scripts used to run them - mainly because the conventional .env file is already taken by Heroku. In real life, one convention would be chosen, and it definitely would not be an .sh file.
You don't. At least for now, the api is open to everyone (read: I did not have time to implement proper auth so far).
As a base rule, all requests return JSON. That is, if they return anything. POST requests require 'application/json' as their content type; some GET requests have optional query parameters.
- GET all the movies persisted in our database
GET /movies/
- POST a new movie (Indeed, I am myself a bit puzzled why it is not a PUT)
POST /movies/
body: {"Title": "Title you want to find, case does not matter, but otherwise it has to be a full title not some fuzzy guess"}
- POST a comment to the movie (PUT puzzle is valid also for this one)
POST /comments/
body: {"MovieId": "Movie's _id parameter as provided by our db engine and displayed"}
#However, this whole _id thing is quite annoying, soit can also be:
body: {"Title": "Again, cannot be fuzzy, and fuzzy it cannot be"}
#Sending both MovieId and Title is not an error, but logically, what sense does it make?
- GET (all) comments:
GET /comments/ #all comments
GET /comments/?MovieId=<precise, non-fuzzy movie _id> #comment for this particular movie
GET /comments/?Title=<title or its part - fuzzy allowed, at last> #comment for whatsisname...
GET/comments/?MovieId=<_id>&Title=<title> #possible, but again does not make much sense - the logical operator is AND, so the movie id always wins with the title
There is always something missing. Some of the ideas of the things I would like to implement for the api like this that came to my mind while working on it were:
- pagination of the results to avoid database overload once we have a lot of entries
- user authentication (JWT, probably)
- creating a comment for a non-persisted movie (aka silently persisting movies that are not yet in our db when comments to them are added using title)
- proper environment file and secret files with all the important credentials (aka proper production environment) - you can steal my omdb api key from this repository if you really wish to
- api json naming follows the format of omdb, while I personally prefer snake_case to camelCase in JSON. For a while, I used the 2 formats, but then realized it does not look good. I hope I managed to cover all the traces.