A collection of my solutions to various programming problems (currently 100+). These come from a variety of programming contests, including the following:
- CCC (Canadian Computing Competition)
- CCO (Candian Computing Olympiad)
- ECOO (Educational Computing Organization of Ontario)
- ACM NAQ/ECNA (ACM North American Qualifier/
- IOI (International Olympiads of Informatics)
- DMOCP (Don Mills Open Programming Contest)
- THICC (Toronto Hackers Informatics Computing Competition)
- GCJ (Google Code Jam)
- COCI (Croatian Open Competition in Informatics)
The majority of problems I solved on DMOJ, an online judge and contest platform. I have opted to organize them by point value. In general (along with a competition with approximate equivalence in problem difficulty):
- 3/4 Points → Very Easy (CCC Junior)
- 5/7 Points → Easy (CCC Junior/CCC Senior)
- 10/12 Points → Normal (CCC Senior)
- 15/20 Points → Hard (CCO)
- 25/30 Points → Very Hard (IOI)
- 35+ Points → Insane (Hard IOI/ACM-ICPC Problems)
The first four lines of my solutions indicate the following:
// Problem Title
// URL of problem's page
// Date of first correct submission
// Fastest running time achieved