SKWebAPI has been consolidated into SlackKit
A Swift module to help make requests to the Slack Web API.
Add SKWebAPI to your pod file:
pod 'SKWebAPI'
and run
# Use CocoaPods version >= 1.4.0
pod install
Add SKWebAPI to your Cartfile:
github "pvzig/SKWebAPI"
and run
carthage bootstrap
Drag the built SKWebAPI.framework
into your Xcode project.
Add SKWebAPI to your Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "4.1.0"))
Run swift build
on your application’s main directory.
To use the library in your project import it:
import SKWebAPI
Initialize an instance of SKWebAPI
with a Slack auth token and make your requests:
let webAPI = WebAPI(token: xoxp-SLACK_AUTH_TOKEN)
webAPI.authenticationTest(success: { (user, team) in
print("\(user) - \(team)")
}, failure: nil)
SlackKit currently supports the a subset of the Slack Web API that is available to bot users:
Web APIs |
api.test |
api.revoke |
auth.test |
channels.history | |
channels.list |
channels.mark |
channels.create |
channels.invite |
channels.setPurpose |
channels.setTopic |
chat.delete |
chat.meMessage |
chat.postMessage |
chat.update |
emoji.list |
files.comments.add |
files.comments.edit |
files.comments.delete |
files.delete | |
files.upload |
groups.close |
groups.history | |
groups.list |
groups.mark | |
groups.setPurpose |
groups.setTopic |
im.close |
im.history |
im.list |
im.mark | |
mpim.close |
mpim.history |
mpim.list |
mpim.mark | |
oauth.access |
pins.add |
pins.list |
pins.remove |
reactions.add |
reactions.get |
reactions.list |
reactions.remove |
rtm.start |
stars.add |
stars.remove | |
users.getPresence | |
users.list |
users.setActive |
users.setPresence |