#Django Template Language
A full-featured port of the Django template engine to Erlang.
Warning: The template engine is in a working but still "alpha"
state, particularly until error handling is cleaned up.
The custom tag and filter API works as do all rendering and lookup
functions. See "#7. Built-in Tags and Filters" for an up-to-date
table documenting tag and filter compatibility with the Django
- Introduction
- Installation
- Configuration
- Basic Usage
- Syntax
- Context and Context Processors
- Built-in Tags and Filters
- Loader Modules
- Custom Tags and Filters
- Troubleshooting
- Support/Getting Help
- API Documentation
- Roadmap
- Who's Using DTL?
##1. Introduction
This project is an effort to fully implement the Django template engine in Erlang. I hope to create a feature-complete port, using the same data types and striving for parity with the Python API and the base filter/tag set included in Django.
##2. Installation
To install the latest version, add this to your dependency list in rebar.config:
{dtl, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/oinksoft/dtl.git", "master"}}
and run rebar get-deps
, then rebar compile
. Refer to the rebar
documentation if this is unclear.
The dtl
application must be started for the engine to work at all.
Include this in your application so that it is run before you use dtl
ok = application:start(dtl).
Right now this might seem funny because DTL is mostly a library application, but it is needed for application config to work. It also allows DTL to have some optimizations in the future via its own services.
##3. Configuration
These are the application-wide environment variables. Set them like you do any other application options.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
apps |
[atom()] |
[] |
A list of application names that will be searched in left-to-right order by dtl_apps_loader if enabled. |
context_processors |
[{module(), atom()}] |
[] |
List of {Mod, Fun} tuples that are called in left-to-right order to populate all new dtl_context:context() records. |
debug |
boolean() |
false |
Set true to enable debugging aids, false otherwise. |
empty_term_replacement |
binary(] |
<<>> |
Binary that will replace any undefined terms in templates. <<"None">> and <<"undefined">> are also good ones. |
settings_module |
module() |
dtl_app_config_settings |
Module used to look up settings, must implement dtl_settings . |
template_dirs |
[list()] |
["priv/templates"] |
Template directories that dtl_fs_loader (if enabled) will search, from left. Paths can be absolute or relative. |
template_loaders |
[module()] |
[dtl_fs_loader, dtl_apps_loader] |
List of modules implementing the dtl_loader interface. These are used to look up templates at runtime. |
At the lowest level, these settings are managed by application env vars. The defaults in the above table are all defined at this level.
Users can look up settings with dtl:setting/1
Apps = dtl:setting(apps).
It is not a good idea to change settings at runtime, but use a custom settings module if you need this functionality and still be aware of potential race conditions.
###3.1 Settings Modules
Note: This functionality is unnecessary for the vast majority of users. It is far more convenient to simply rely on the default settings module and set the application environment variables described in the previous section.
Settings modules are modules that implement the dtl_settings
behaviour. This module defines one callback, setting/0
. They are
useful when automating tests that involve toggling DTL configuration.
, the default settings module, simply proxies
settings lookups to application env variable lookups. It's a very good
idea for user-defined settings modules to defer to
for settings that they do not define. Here is
an example of a settings module that overrides the template_dirs
setting(template_dirs, _Default) ->
setting(Key, Default) ->
dtl_app_config_settings:setting(Key, Default).
You can see another example with dtl_ets_settings
, which is only used
for DTL tests.
##4. Basic usage
See 6. Context and Context Processors for information on setting context variables in your templates, and 8. Loader Modules for information on where to store your template files.
Render a template:
{ok, Html} = dtl:render("index.html", [
{title, "The World Wide Web"},
{visitor_count, 12}
Create a template from a string, create a plain context with one item set, and render it:
Source = "My name is {{ name }}.",
{ok, Tpl} = dtl_template:new(Source),
Ctx = dtl_context:new([
{name, "Lawrence"}
{ok, <<"My name is Lawrence">>} = dtl_template:render(Tpl, Ctx).
Find a template and render it:
Tpl = dtl_loader:get_template("index.html"),
{ok, Html} = dtl_template:render(Tpl),
%% ...
Render the first of several found templates:
Tpl = dtl_loader:select_template(["index.html", "index.htm"]),
{ok, Html} = dtl_template:render(Tpl),
%% ...
##5. Syntax
Template syntax is identical to that of the Django template language. Please report any observable differences as bugs.
##6. Context and Context Processors
Contexts are the primary means of transmitting data from application code to Django templates. Any value that is accessible on a context will be accessible in any template into which the context is loaded:
Ctx = dtl_context:new([
{foo, "Foo"},
{bar, "Bar"}
{ok, Bin} = dtl:render(Tpl, Ctx).
###6.1. Context Processors
A user may specify a list of {Mod, Fun} tuples which will be called, in order, when initializing a new context. Each function should return a property list. Here is an example context processor:
process_time() ->
Time = calendar:local_time(),
[{Year, Month, Day}, {Hours, Minutes, Seconds}] = Time,
[{date, io_lib:format("~p-~p-~p", [Year, Month, Day])},
{time, io_lib:format("~p:~p:~p", [Hours, Minutes, Seconds])}].
Context processors are specified in application config.
application:set_env(dtl, context_processors, [{my_app, process_time}]).
Now, a template could access time
and date
##7. Built-in Tags and Filters
The target is to implement all default template tags and filters. Below are tables showing the current development status of these items.
Documentation on how to use these tags and filters can be found at https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/builtins/
###7.1 Tags
Name | Implemented |
autoescape |
No |
block |
Yes |
comment |
Yes |
csrf_token |
No |
cycle |
No |
debug |
No |
extends |
Yes |
filter |
No |
firstof |
No |
for |
Yes |
for ... empty |
Yes |
if |
Yes |
ifchanged |
Yes |
ifequal |
Yes |
ifnotequal |
Yes |
include |
No |
load |
Yes |
now |
No |
regroup |
No |
spaceless |
No |
ssi |
No |
templatetag |
No |
url |
No |
verbatim |
Yes |
widthratio |
No |
with |
No |
###7.2 Filters
Name | Implemented |
add |
No |
addslashes |
Yes |
capfirst |
Yes |
center |
No |
cut |
No |
date |
No |
default |
No |
default_if_none |
No |
dictsort |
No |
dictsortreversed |
No |
divisibleby |
No |
escape |
No |
escapejs |
No |
filesizeformat |
No |
first |
No |
fix_ampersands |
No |
floatformat |
No |
force_escape |
No |
get_digit |
No |
iriencode |
No |
join |
No |
last |
No |
length |
No |
length_is |
No |
linebreaks |
No |
linebreaksbr |
No |
linenumbers |
No |
ljust |
No |
lower |
Yes |
make_list |
No |
phone2numeric |
No |
pluralize |
No |
pprint |
No |
random |
No |
removetags |
No |
rjust |
No |
safe |
No |
safeseq |
No |
slice |
No |
slugify |
No |
stringformat |
No |
striptags |
No |
time |
No |
timesince |
No |
timeuntil |
No |
title |
No |
truncatechars |
No |
truncatewords |
No |
truncatewords_html |
No |
unordered_list |
No |
upper |
Yes |
urlencode |
No |
urlize |
No |
urlizetrunc |
No |
wordcount |
No |
wordwrap |
No |
yesno |
No |
##8. Loader Modules
DTL comes with two template loader modules, which are described here:
: This loader tries each of the configured
, in order, to see if the named template exists in
one of them. Only templates contained in one of these directories
will be found.
: This loader searches in "templates" in the "priv"
directory of each app specified with the apps
option. That is, "index.html" would be searched for at
foo/priv/templates/index.html if foo
were included in the apps
configuration option.
You can also implement your own loaders. Here is a loader that tries to copy a template from a web service (!):
-define(BASE_URL, "http://example.com/?img_name=").
%% A loader must implement is_usable/0. This callback is so that
%% loaders that are only useful in certain environments (say, a
%% memcached-backed loader) are not used.
%% For instance, this function could test to see if ?BASE_URL's host
%% is reachable.
is_usable() -> true.
%% A loader must implement load_template_source/1 and
%% load_template_source/2. This is to match the Django API, where a
%% `dirs' argument must be accepted even for loaders that are not
%% concerned with this detail.
%% This function should return a {ok, Content, DisplayName} triple
%% where Content is the template string and DisplayName is a name
%% for the found template, which will be used in debugging outputs.
%% It should return {error, not_found} if the template is not found.
%% Any other error return will immediately halt the lookup process.
load_template_source(Name) -> load_template_source(Name, []).
load_template_source(Name, _Dirs) ->
%% Assume our application has already started `inets'.
Url = ?BASE_URL ++ Name,
%% Anything other than a 200 response is "not found".
case httpc:request(Url) of
{ok, {_Proto, 200, _Msg}, _Headers, Body} ->
{ok, Body, Url};
_ -> {error, not_found};
##9. Custom Tags and Filters
Custom tags and filters are defined in a "Library," which is a simple
callback module that implements the dtl_library
behaviour. A library
simply defines registered_tags/0
and registered_filters/0
, each of
which return a list of function names, the likes of which are described
in the sections below.
##9.1. Custom Tags
returns a list of dtl_library:tag_spec()
: NodeFunction
is the name of a function that returns
a dtl_node:tnode()
. This may be a dtl_node:unode()
, a list, or a
registered_filters() -> [].
regisered_tags() -> [color_orange].
%% This function extracts the number of repititions from the tag
%% token and saves this in the new node's state.
%% {% color_orange 1 %} Hello {% endcolor_orange %} ->
%% <div class="orange"> Hello </div>
color_orange(Parser, Token) ->
[<<NBin/binary>>] = dtl_token:split_contents(Token),
N = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(NBin)),
{Nodes, Parser2} = dtl_parser:parse("endcolor_orange"),
Node = dtl_node:new("color_orange", {?MODULE, render_color_orange}),
Node2 = dtl_node:set_nodelist(Node, Nodes),
Node3 = dtl_node:set_state(Node2, N),
{Node3, dtl_parser:delete_first_token(Parser2)}.
%% Renders the tag contents N times inside an orange block.
render_color_orange(Node, Ctx) ->
N = dtl_node:state(Node),
Nodes = dtl_node:nodelist(Node),
["<div class=\"orange\">",
[dtl_node:render_list(Nodes) || X <- lists:seq(1, N)],
{{dtl_tag, inclusion_tag, TemplateName}, ContextFunction}
: This is an
example of a tag wrapper, which may be provided as a {module(), tuple(), term()}
triple as the first element of a tag spec. For
, TemplateName is the name of the template this tag
includes. ContextFunction is a function that can inject data into
this template by returning a dtl_context()
or a proplist. It
receives any arguments passed to the inclusion tag as positional and
keyword argument lists.
registered_filters() -> [].
regisered_tags() -> [{{dtl_tag, inclusion_tag, "pretty-box.html"}, pretty_box}].
%%%% pretty-box.html:
%% <div class="so" style="color: {{ color }}">
%% <div class="many">
%% <div class="lovely">
%% <div class="elements">
%% <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
%% </div>
%% </div>
%% </div>
%% </div>
%% Renders a pretty box with the provided title and optional color.
%% {% pretty_box "March" color="#f90" %}
pretty_box([Title], Options) ->
Color = proplists:get_value(color, Options, "#fc0"),
[{color, Color},
{title, Title}].
Simple tag is not needed for most cases, where the custom tag can choose
to simply return a list or binary (see dtl_node:tnode()
Use something like the following for a named simple tag:
my_simple_tag(Parser, _Token) ->
{ok, dtl_node("my_simple_tag", fun (Node, Ctx) ->
%% Render ...
end, Parser)}.
##9.2. Custom Filters
Custom filters are functions that can accept a list of colon-separated arguments. They must return a list, binary, or iolist.
%% Filters.
registered_filters() -> [reverso].
regisered_tags() -> [].
%% @doc Reverses its input: {{ "Cat"|reverso }} -> "taC".
reverso(Bin) ->
%% @doc Adds to the first number: {{ 1|add:2 }} -> "3".
add(X, [Y]) -> integer_to_list(X + Y).
##10. Troubleshooting
Please report issues at https://github.com/oinksoft/dtl/issues
##11. FAQ
What's the point of this library when ErlyDTL already exists?
ErlyDTL is an excellent library. It generates fast templates and is more than adequate for basic websites that do not need everything Django's templates provide.
I was dismayed to find ErlyDTL to be lacking many features I consider essential in the Django template engine, particularly the ability for template tags to manipulate the parser, and the rather standard mapping of an HTML file to a real template with no compilation involved.
After investigating ErlyDTL thoroughly, I found its design quite rigid with the default tempatle tags hard-coded, loading template tag libraries requiring application configuration, and verbose template names due to the requirement that each HTML template generate an Erlang module. It seemed like a better idea to chart my own path rather than to suggest some rewrite of ErlyDTL.
This project aims to be simple and readable before anything else, providing an API that is very similar to that of
. All template tags and filters, except for{% verbatim %}
and{% comment %}
, both of which are optimized away in the lexer, will be implemented using the custom tag/filter APIs. It probably won't be as fast as ErlyDTL (I haven't benchmarked this at all), but I believe its design lends itself better to template caching, should applications require it.
##12. Support/Getting Help
Please report any bugs as issues at this github project.
##13. API Documentation
API documentation is regularly updated at https://oinksoft.com/doc/dtl/
##14. Roadmap
- Default tags and filters.
- Debug lexer and parser, better error handling.
- I18n support.
- OTP version?
##15. Who's Using DTL?
- https://oinksoft.com/ - Small business website.
Well, nobody except Oinksoft right now! oinksoft.com
was previously running on Django, and uses the templates from the old
Django website with no modifications except for hard-coding replacements
the {% url %}
tag which I've not yet implemented for Cowboy.
Send a message if you want your website on this list.