Automatic icon generator for Angular 6+ with PWA.
Create an icon in the root folder of your Angular project and use ngx-pwa-icons
to automatically resize and replace the original PWA icons.
Installation via npm
- On Windows
$ npm install -g ngx-pwa-icons
- On Mac
$ sudo npm install -g ngx-pwa-icons
This will install ngx-pwa-icons
globally so that it may be run from the command line.
Add PWA capabilities to an existing Angular 6+ app.
$ ng add @angular/pwa
Create an icon.png
file in the root folder of your Angular project.
Then run:
$ ngx-pwa-icons
For good results, your icon.png
file should be:
- square
- transparant background
- at least 512*512px
or --help
Show help
or --version
Show package version number
or --dry-run
Run through without making any changes
or --icon
Original icon to convert (defaults to "./icon.png")
or --output
Output folder (defaults to "./src/assets/icons")
or --size
Resize icons to px (defaults to "512, 384, 192, 152, 144, 128, 96, 72")
or --name
Icon name.
Replaces wildcard character * with icons size (defaults to "icon-*x*.png")
Eg: ngx-pwa-icons -s "100,200,300" -n "icon_*_*.png"
generates icon_100_100.png, icon_200_200.png and icon_300_300.png,