This is a simple helloworld web archive (war) project.
That illustrates the use of sbt native packager ( plugin to build a simple automated deployment with RPM and puppet.
The basic things like register yum repo and install the helloworld rpm from that repo is done by puppet. The dependencies of the helloworld rpm like java and tomcat are managed by the rpm specification in the project/packaging.scala file with the sbt native package plugin.
This is a minimal puppet approach the rpm dependencies could also be managed by puppet and also configured by puppet.
Requirements for development:
- git (
apt-get install git
) - createrepo (is needed to create a local yum repo -> install with
apt-get install createrepo
) - rpmbuild (is needed to build a rom with maven and deploy it to the local yum repo -> install with
apt-get install rpm
Requirements for deployment:
- vagrant (optional to test the puppet deployment -> install with
apt-get install vagrant
) - virtualbox (is needed for vagrant as vm provider ->
apt-get install virtualbox
- puppet (is only needed in the vagrant box and is prepared in the configured base box)
- CentOS64_201307 (self created base box hosted by dropbox
You can install the requirements from above to your system or use the vgit tool to get a ready to use development virtual machine read below.
Requirements to use vgit:
- vagrant (optional to test the puppet deployment -> install with
apt-get install vagrant
) - virtualbox (is needed for vagrant as vm provider ->
apt-get install virtualbox
Use the vgit npm tool to start a virtual machine which contains all project dependencies ready for development. Follow the instruction to install vgit tool and start the development environment:
vgit repo pussinboots/sbt-rpm
It could take some minutes to download the development environment image. The result is a started ubuntu 12.10 as virtualbox. This virtual box can be used to perform the following steps.
To build the project it doesn't matter if you use the offered virtualbox image or your own environment only the needed requirements are meet.
- run sbt console with
- run command to build war
- run command to build rpm
- then copy the build rpm from target/rpm/RPMS/noarch/ to the yum-repo/ folder
- run command createrepo
createrepo yum-repo
- then a new rpm version was build and can be deployed with puppet
Automated deployment.
- download base box for vagrant (could take some minutes the first time, if the download was
successfull it is stored local) do it only one time
vagrant box add CentOS64_201307
- start vm with vagrant
vagrant up
- connect to the started vm with ssh (windows putty)
vagrant ssh
- (ssh on helloworld machine)
wget localhost:8080/helloworld
result should be<html><body>Hello World from rpm package</body></html>
- (ssh on apache machine)
wget localhost
result should be<h1>Hello from a Vagrant VM</h1>
The helloworld vm will be setup with ip address and the helloworld app can also be requested with from the host system.
The apache vm will be setup with ip address and the index.html file can also be requested with from the host system.
You can change the ip address in the Vagrant file see :hostonly, "" or :hostonly, "".
Enjoy playing around with it.
This approach show how easy it is with rpm and puppet to have a automated deployment. This scenario here is simple and is a one machine with 2 vm approach but if you use a remote yum repo and put the puppet manifest also remote with git or puppet master than you are ready for automated deployment on any number of machines you wont. Maybe you got the spirit for that.
If you have questions or have problem feel free to contact me. [email protected].