PyQuil HTTPs job queueing server Authors: Nikolai Norona, Auguste Hirth, Robert Smith
Composed of three main components:
- A job queueing server in node, daemonized by pm2
- A job storage database in mongodb, daemonized with service
- A job processor python script (with pyquil), run periodically with crontab
- Clone Repo to directory of your choice
- Setup and start server.js as a daemon
cd node_server
npm install
npm install pm2 -g
sudo pm2 start server.js
sudo pm2 startup
sudo pm2 save
- Setup and start mongodb Install mongodb (version 4.0) with official documentation. The following may change with distribution type/version Start mongodb with:
sudo service mongod start
- Prepare Python environment
cd job_processor
mkdir venv
python3 -m venv venv/
source venv/bin/activate
pip install flask
pip install pyquil
pip install pymongo
Set python script to run periodically, either with the script, or crontab.
- Make sure the PyQuil qvm and quilc servers are running and set to automatically restart. This is currently done with docker.