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Repository files navigation

Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started
  2. Build And Run
  3. Usage
  4. Assumption

Getting Started


Required JDK version

  • jdk 1.8
  • java home point to jdk

Required maven version,

  • maven 3
  maven 3

or use maven wrapper included

{projectDir} refers to source code root path

  • maven wrapper windows
  • maven wrapper linux


  1. Clone the repo
 git clone
  1. Download dependency with maven under Build and Run

Build And Run

Build With Maven

Build using maven wrapper, under working directory

  • mvn wrapper (Windows) - command to build
  mvnw.cmd clean package
  • mvn wrapper (linux) - command to build
  mvnw clean package

Maven build tool installed on local machine

  • maven - command to build
    mvn clean package

Run With Maven

  • command to start application
mvn spring-boot:run

Run using Jar

Project is required to be built to generate jar file @ Build With Maven

{projectDir} refers to source code root path

  • command to start application
java -jar {projectDir}\nphcswe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


Embeded Database


user password


DDL is stored and auto executed uppon application stats up



Information stored for user, with audit information

Column Data Type Length Remark
ID string 100 - Primary Key
- Unique
LOGIN string 100 - Unique
- Not Null
NAME string 255 - Not Null
SALARY number 2 decimal place - Not Null
START_DATE date - Not Null
- supported format: yyyy-MM-dd, dd-MMM-yy
VERSION number
CREATED_BY string 255
CREATED_DATE timestamp
UPDATED_BY string 255
UPDATED_DATE timestamp


Record versioning for User

Column Data Type Length Remark
REVISION_ID integer - Primary Key
- Not Null
REVISION_TYPE integer - 0 = insert
- 1 = update
- 2 = delete
- Not Null
ID string 100 - Primary Key
- Not Null
LOGIN string 100 Not Null
NAME string 255 Not Null
SALARY number 2 decimal Not Null
START_DATE date Not Null
CREATED_BY string 255
CREATED_DATE timestamp
UPDATED_BY string 255
UPDATED_DATE timestamp


Revision changes with time stamp info

Column Data Type Length Remark
REVISION_ID integer - Primary Key
REV_TIMESTAMP integer - time stamp in number for revision info updated

Local Machine Hosting


Software for testing



Available end points

Name URL Request method Response Type
Upload API /users/upload POST application/json
Fetch API /users GET application/json
Get API /users/{$id} GET application/json
Create API /users/ POST application/json
Update API /users/ PUT/PATCH application/json
Delete API /users/ DELEE application/json

Upload API

POST http://localhost:8080/users/upload
Parameter Name Data Type Type Remark
file multipart/form-data Request Parameter
  • required
  • max 10mb
  • comma delimited
  • first row is header
  • supported column: id,login,name,salary,startDate
  • all columns are mandatory
  • id and login to be unique
  • startDate - supported format: yyyy-MM-dd, dd-MMM-yy

Fetch API

GET http://localhost:8080/users
Parameter Name Data Type Type Remark
minSalary decimal request parameter
  • optional
  • default value when not provided: 0
  • value inclusive
  • parameter is case sensitive, not applied when wrong case
maxSalary decimal request parameter
  • optional
  • default value when not provided: 4000
  • value not inclusive
  • parameter is case sensitive, not applied when wrong case
offset integer request parameter
  • optional
  • default value when not provided: 0
  • parameter is case sensitive, not applied when wrong case
limit integer request parameter
  • optional
  • default value when not provided: no limit
  • parameter is case sensitive, not applied when wrong case
  • max records 2147483647, integer max value
startDateFrom string request parameter
  • optional
  • value inclusive
  • accepted format: yyyy-mm-dd, dd-MMM-yy
  • parameter is case sensitive, not applied when wrong case
startDateTo string request parameter
  • optional
  • value inclusive
  • accepted format: yyyy-mm-dd, dd-MMM-yy
  • parameter is case sensitive, not applied when wrong case
id string request parameter
  • optional
  • filter value is case insensitive
  • wild card match by default
  • custom wild card value "#"
    i.e #search , search#
  • parameter is case sensitive, not applied when wrong case
login string request parameter
  • optional
  • filter value is case insensitive
  • wild card match by default
  • custom wild card value "#"
    i.e #search , search#
  • parameter is case sensitive, not applied when wrong case
name string request parameter
  • optional
  • filter value is case insensitive
  • wild card match by default
  • custom wild card value "#"
    i.e #search , search#
  • parameter is case sensitive, not applied when wrong case
sort string request parameter
  • optional
  • comma separated
  • support single column sort
  • support coloumn: id, login, name, salary, startDate
  • column name case insensitive
  • format: column,sort order
    i.e id,asc
  • sort order: asc or desc
  • default when sort order not provided: asc
  • ignore when column is not valid
  • parameter is case sensitive, not applied when wrong case


GET http://localhost:8080/users/{$id}
Parameter Name Data Type Type Remark
{$id} string Path Variable Required


Content Data Type Type Remark
"id": "e0001",
"name": "Harry Potter",
"login": "hpotter",
"salary": 1234.00,
"startDate": "2001-11-16"
application/json Response Body http status :
  • 200
  • {"message": "No such employee"} application/json Response Body http status :
  • 400
  • Create API

    POST http://localhost:8080/users/
    Parameter Name Data Type Type Remark
    { "id": "e0001",
    "name": "Harry Potter",
    "login": "pharry",
    "salary": 399,
    "startDate": "2020-01-10"
    string Request Body Required


    Content Data Type Type Remark
    {"message": "Successfully created"} application/json Response Body http status :
  • 201
  • {"message": "Employee ID already exists"}
    {"message": "Employee login not unique"}
    {"message": "Invalid salary"}
    {"message": "Invalid date"}
    application/json Response Body http status :
  • 400
  • Update API

    PUT/PATCH http://localhost:8080/users/${id}


    Parameter Name Data Type Type Remark
    {$id} string Path Variable Required
    "id": "e0001",
    "name": "Harry Potter",
    "login": "pharry",
    "salary": 399,
    "startDate": "2020-01-10"
    string Request Body Required


    Content Data Type Type Remark
    {"message": "Successfully updated"} application/json Response Body http status :
  • 200
  • {"message": "No such employee"}
    {"message": "Employee login not unique"}
    {"message": "Invalid salary"}
    {"message": "Invalid date"}
    application/json Response Body http status :
  • 400
  • Delete API

    DELETE http://localhost:8080/users/${id}


    Parameter Name Data Type Type Remark
    {$id} string Path Variable Required


    Content Data Type Type Remark
    {"message": "Successfully deleted"} application/json Response Body http status :
  • 200
  • {"message": "No such employee"} application/json Response Body http status :
  • 400
  • Assumption

    • Only to serve web service
    • All API return responses are in JSON format
    • Allow different error message structure on top specification
    • Preset data not required
    • Request parameter name is case sensitive
    • All request parameter, request body is provided
    • Request body/data is correctly formed
    • Local timezone refer to Singapore timezone
    • User Story 1
      • Validation required against database to check if id or login is unique
      • CSV provided complies to specification of 5 columns id,login,name,salary,startDate
    • User Story 2
      • Request parameter will be default value when not provided
      • Additional parameter is not used when not provided
      • Allow only single column sorting
      • "no limit" refer to 2147483647 rows, max value of Integer


    No description, website, or topics provided.






    No releases published


    No packages published
