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Rest API for tickits

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Tickits is an open-source web application designed to simplify the process of booking movie tickets online. The project aims to provide users with a convenient and user-friendly platform to browse movie listings, select seats, and purchase tickets from the comfort of their homes.

This is rest api repository for tickits-fe


  • Authentication & Authorization
  • Customer Side: Booking Seat Movies, Profile
  • Admin Side: New Movie, Set Cinemas Time, Update Movie, Delete Movie
  • Upload Images, Whitelisting JWT

Technologies Used

Getting Started



  1. Clone this repository to your local

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies

    cd jokopi && npm install
  3. Setup environments (you can see in .env.example)

    • Server port (default 8080)

      SERVER_PORT = (put your server port)
    • Database server using postgreSQL

      DB_HOST = (put your db host)
      DB_PORT = (put your port of db host)
      DB_USER = (put your db username)
      DB_PASS = (put your db password)
      DB_NAME = (put your db  name)
    • JSON Web Token Secret Key (prefer using random string) [see more information]

      JWT_SECRET_KEY = (put your secret key)
    • Redis account [you can create account in here]

       REDIS_HOST = (your redis host)
       REDIS_PORT = (your redis port)
       REDIS_PASSWORD = (your redis password)
    • Image server using Cloudinary [you can create account in here]

      CLOUDINARY_NAME = (put your cloudinary name)
      CLOUDINARY_KEY = (put your cloudinary key)
      CLOUDINARY_SECRET = (put your cloudinary secret)
    • SMTP Account

      SMTP_EMAIL = (your smtp email)
      SMTP_PASSWORD = (your smtp password)
  4. Run project

    npm start

Postman Documentation

You can download the documentation from Postman or JSON File.

If you using JSON File, you can import them into your workspace, its easy

Table Structure

You can download table structure (sql) from this link

For Redis, You just setup and define it to env the database, it will be automatically created by redis.


This project using ISC License


Afif Buchori
Afif Buchori

Project Manager
Farhan Brillan W
Farhan Brillan W

Fullstack Developer
Abdul Latif Rosid
Abdul Latif Rosid

Back-end Developer
Raihan Irvana
Raihan Irvana

Front-end Developer
Zikri Aulia
Zikri Aulia

Front-end Developer

Related Project


Any error report you can pull request or contact: [email protected]


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Contributors 4
