Minio is a minimal object storage server written in Golang and licensed under Apache license v2. Minio is compatible with Amazon S3 APIs.
Storage Backend:
- Donut: Erasure coded backend.
- Status: Standalone mode complete.
- Memory: In-memory backend.
- Status: Complete.
- Filesystem: Local disk filesystem backend.
- Status: Work in progress.
Storage Operations:
- Collective:
- Status: Not started.
Storage Management:
- WebCLI:
- Status: Work in progress.
- Authentication:
- Status: Work in progress.
- Admin Console:
- Status: Work in progress.
- User Console:
- Status: Work in progress.
- Logging:
- Status: Work in progress.
Download minio
$ wget
$ chmod +x minio
$ ./minio mode memory limit 12GB expire 2h
Download minio
$ wget
$ chmod +x minio
$ ./minio mode memory limit 12GB expire 2h
provides minimal tools to work with Amazon S3 compatible object storage and filesystems. Go to Minio Client.
-- No releases yet --
Name | Supported |
Linux | Yes |
Mac OSX | Yes |
Windows | Work in progress |