Udacity React Nanodegree Program: Readables Project
A content and comment application powered by React and Redux. Users are able to post content under predefined categories, post comments on each content, and vote on each post and comment. Additionally, users are also able to edit and delete any posts and comments.
npm install
npm start
A local backend server is required to be running in the background to fetch the list of categories, and initial posts and comments.
- List all available categories
- List all posts, initially sorted by vote score
- Sort order can be changed using sort control
- New posts can be added with the
+ Post
- Display posts in certain category
- Display details of one post
- List all comments for post
- Sort order can be changed using sort control
- New comments can be added with the
+ Comment
- Display a form for creating new posts/comments, and editing existing posts/comments
- When editing, the pre-existing data is filled in the form
Each post/comment has a vote score. Users can 'upvote' or 'downvote' to modify the score.
The number of comments for each post is displayed beside the author name of each post.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed when the Delete
link is clicked.
There is currently no data validation for the inputs for the Create/Edit forms.