A project created to learn about React, Node.js, APIs, and tabular databases. The image analysis utilizes a Clarifai API on the backend.
- HTML, CSS, Javascript
- React
- Node.js (backend on Heroku)
- PostgreSQL (backend on Heroku)
- Copy and paste any publicly-available image address and receive five predicted themes with correlating confidence levels.
- Sample images from Unsplash for quick experimentation
- Use as guest or register/sign in with account information
- Recalls previous image
Based off of a project included in the Udemy Zero to Mastery course by Andrei Neagoie, with some added features and customizations.
Included is an /analysis route path file with Clarifai API call. Using it requires an API key and model ID (General - Visual Classifier), as well as installing/importing express and clarifai-nodejs-grpc.