An application to import data from a schema based xml with information about medicines in Norway to neo4j database.
Fest files that constitute input to the application can be downloaded from:
Possible usecases: dotnet run "C:\Temp\fest25\fest25.xml" dotnet run "C:\Temp\fest25.xml" "C:\Temp\Neo4jImport" dotnet run "C:\Temp\fest25.xml" LMM dotnet run "C:\Temp\fest25.xml" LMV dotnet run "C:\Temps\fest25.xml" VMS
Neo4j desktop can be downloaded from:
Once a neo4j database are created and csv and cypher files are copied to import folder one can import these csv files by executing the following commando in cmd (in root folder of the database):
type import\installfest.cypher | bin\cypher-shell.bat -u username -p password
An example query : MATCH (lmm)-[r]->() RETURN lmm, count(r) AS rel_count ORDER BY rel_count desc LIMIT 3