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Linting and Formatter Setup with Typescript on CRA

This repo documents the setup for Typescript, ESLint with Airbnb config, Prettier, Husky, Lint-Staged with React on CRA.

Create React App

Follow project installation guide for typescript:

ESLint, Prettier, Typescript

  • Run npm install eslint --save-dev to install ESLint to local project folder.

  • Run npx eslint --init or ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init to initialize eslint setup.

  • During the initialization, it will prompt you to answer some questions essential to the need of the project. Here are the answers that I use for the setup (answers in bold):

    • How would you like to use ESLint? To check syntax, find problems, and enforce code style
    • What type of modules does your project use? JavaScript modules (import/export)
    • Which framework does your project use? React
    • Does your project use TypeScript? Yes
    • Where does your code run? Browser
    • How would you like to define a style for your project? Use a popular style guide
    • Which style guide do you want to follow? Airbnb (
    • What format do you want your config file to be in? JSON
  • After answering the question, It will prompt you to install some missing dependency.

    • Would you like to install them now with npm? Yes
  • It will generate a .eslintrc.json file with some initial configs. I prefer to rename my file with .eslintrc as preference.

  • Install the following packages as dev dependencies: npm i prettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier --save-dev

  • Update .eslintrc:

  • Create .prettierrc:

  • Add to scripts in package.json

"lint": "eslint 'src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}'",
"lint:fix": "npm run lint -- --fix",
"format": "prettier --write 'src/**/*.{ts,tsx,css,scss}'"

Husky and Lint-staged

-npm i husky lint-staged --save-dev


"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"


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