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Docker service registrator for etcd (and CoreOS). The very end of sidekick.service

  • SkyDNS support
  • Vulcanproxy support
  • Startup synchronization: bring etcd up to date
  • Add already running containers
  • Remove stopped but registred container
  • Realtime: Listening for docker events
  • Registers all ports
  • defined via EXPOSE in the Dockerfile
  • exposed via -p commandline argument
  • Supports secured etcd
  • Service config using ENV
  • Written in Javascript
  • for (but not limited to) CoreOS, see fleet-unit-files

(thanks to gliderlabs/registrator for the some ideas)

TODO / Planned

  • Configuration using commandline arguments
  • Improve docu

Install & Config

  • You need NodeJS >= 0.12.x and NPM; Should also run with IO.JS
  • For now its only possible to configure docker-etcd-registrator using environment variables
  • Make sure the app can read/write to DOCKER_HOST (default: /var/run/docker.sock)
sudo npm install -g docker-etcd-registrator

DEBUG=docker,skydns,service \


docker run --rm \
  --name docker-etcd-registrator \
  -v /etc/ssl/etcd:/etc/ssl/etcd \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  --env DEBUG=docker,skydns,vulcand,container \
  --env HOSTNAME=`hostname` \
  --env ETCD_ENDPOINTS=, \
  --env ETCD_CAFILE=/etc/ssl/etcd/ca-authority.pem \
  --env ETCD_CERTFILE=/etc/ssl/etcd/certificate.crt \
  --env ETCD_KEYFILE=/etc/ssl/etcd/key.key \


git clone
cd docker-etcd-registrator
npm install
ETCD_ENDPOINTS= node app.js

Config parameters

All params are optional

  • HOSTNAME: Hostname of the system
  • REGISTER=public: Register only Ports which binds to the host interface (docker -p)
  • REGISTER_PUBLIC_IP= IP if Hostbinding dont specify any (docker -p 80:80 instead of docker -p
  • FORCE_PUBLIC_IP: Set to force binding to the public IP even if the real binding is specified, default: not set
  • SKYDNS_ETCD_PREFIX: /skydns/local/skydns
  • VULCAND_ETCD_PREFIX: /skydns/local/skydns

* `DOCKER_HOST`: `/var/run/docker.sock` or `tcp://localhost:2376` * `DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY` from docker-modem * `DOCKER_CERT_PATH`: Directory containing `ca.pem`, `cert.pem`, `key.pem` (filenames hardcoded)


Enable debugging using DEBUG env var: DEBUG=docker,skydns,service node app.js

flag description
  •     | print every debug message |

docker | docker related messages | conteiner | container-inspect => service transformation | skydns | skydns etcd data population | vulcand | skydns etcd data population | modem | raw docker socket messages |

Service Discovery Configration

  • Use env vars to configure a specific container / service
  • Everything is optional
  • Name is received from SERVICE_NAME or --name or the container ID
  • Services with SERVICE_IGNORE are not observed
$ docker run -d --name mariadb \
    -e "SERVICE_NAME=mysql" \
    -e "SERVICE_TAGS=database,customers" \

Multiple Services per Container

You can specify a service identified by a given port SERVICE_<PORT>_<FLAG>:

$ docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 9000:9000 \
    -e "SERVICE_80_NAME=http-proxy" \
    -e "SERVICE_443_NAME=https-proxy" \
    -e "SERVICE_9000_IGNORE=yes" \


Use SERVICE_[PORT_]VULCAND_(BE|FE)_ formatted env vars to generate etcd values for Vulcanproxy. Per default registrator will not generate any vulcand frontend or backend.

In general the SERVICE_VULCAND_FE_k1_k2_k3=value style would result in a JSON structure like: {"k1": {"k2": {"k3": "value"} } }

Generate a vulcand-backend of type http using the defaults for every port but 9000:

$ docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 9000:9000 \
    -e "SERVICE_NAME=websrv" \
    -e "SERVICE_VULCAND_BE_Type=http" \
    -e "SERVICE_9000_IGNORE=yes" \

Defining more FE/BE settings

$ docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 22:22 \
    -e "SERVICE_22_IGNORE=yes" \
    -e "SERVICE_3000_NAME=microservice" \
    -e "SERVICE_3000_VULCAND_BE_Type=http" \
    -e "SERVICE_3000_VULCAND_BE_Settings_Timeouts_Read=10s" \
    -e "SERVICE_3000_VULCAND_BE_Settings_KeepAlive_MaxIdleConnsPerHost=20" \
    -e "SERVICE_3000_VULCAND_FE_Type=https" \
    -e "SERVICE_3000_VULCAND_FE_Route=Host('')" \
    -e "SERVICE_3000_VULCAND_FE_Settings_Limits_MaxBodyBytes=4048" \


  • Christoph Wiechert
