Python Implementation of ["AMIL: Adversarial Multi Instance Learning for Human Pose Estimation"]
- The MPII and PoseTrack dataset are available in data directory.
- need to have the high resolution images for training.
- In this experiment, we used images from [MPII], so the hyper-paremeters in
(like number of epochs) are seleted basic on that dataset, if you change a larger dataset you can reduce the number of epochs. - If you dont want to use these dataset, you can also use COCO, just simply download it using
train_hr_imgs = tl.files.load_dataset_coco2017
If you find this project useful, we would be grateful if you cite the paper:
@article{TOMM 2019,
author = {Pourya Shamsolmoali, Masoumeh Zareapoor, Huiyu Zhou and Jie Yang},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications},
title = {{AMIL: Adversarial Multi-Instance Learning for Human Pose Estimation}},
year = {2019}