Continuous monitoring of cryptographic libraries using biased RSA keys. Details and results available on
Available through docker image pesio/cmocl. Before pulling and running new container,
you need to prepare configuration file. Example of configuration file is in the file
. Then use path to this file and mount it to your container.
List of configuration settings:
Setting | Explanation |
rapid7-api-key | API key for Rapid7 OpenData |
ct-log-url | URL to a Certificate Transparency log without http:// or https:// |
ct-last-entry | Last entry of the CT log, which was already processed = 0 on beginning |
cmocl-api-url | URL of CMoCL storage service API |
cmocl-api-key | API key for CMoCL storage service API |
storage-path | You can mount a volume and store locally estimation results |
If you would like to receive email notification with basic information, you can configure SMTP connection:
Setting | Explanation |
smtp-host | Host of SMTP, empty if you do not want to use notifications |
smtp-port | Port of SMTP server |
smtp-user | SMTP user name |
smtp-pass | SMTP user password |
smtp-from | Email address set as sender |
smtp-to | Email address of receiver |
docker pull pesio/cmocl
docker run --name cmocl -d -v $(pwd)/configuration.json:/app/configuration.json pesio/cmocl
If you are running pesio/rsabias image on the same host, probably you will need --net host
flag in docker run