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Releases: protoncr/tourmaline


04 May 07:12
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The core functionality of Tourmaline is now auto generated from the official Bot API documentation. This means that Tourmaline will always be up to date with the latest version of the Bot API.


  • New method set_my_name to change the bot's name. Returns True on success.
  • New method get_my_name to get the current bot name for the user's language. Returns BotName on success.
  • New Tourmaline::BotName class to represent the bot's name.
  • New Tourmaline::InlineQueryResultsButton class to represent a button shown above inline query results.
  • New Tourmaline::SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat class to represent an inline button for switching the user to inline mode in a chosen chat.


  • Updated Tourmaline::WriteAccessAllowed class to include an optional web_app_name property for the Web App launched from a link.
  • Modified Tourmaline::InlineKeyboardButton class to include an optional switch_inline_query_chosen_chat property.
  • Updated Tourmaline::CallbackQuery class to include an optional via_chat_folder_invite_link property.
  • Modified answerInlineQuery method to accept a Tourmaline::InlineQueryResultsButton instead of switch_pm_text and switch_pm_parameter parameters.


No bug fixes reported in this diff.


13 Apr 04:35
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v0.29.0-beta.1 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Types and methods are now auto generated
  • Lots of changes and fixes due to the above
  • Bump wheel from 0.37.0 to 0.38.1 by @dependabot in #59

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.28.0...v0.29.0-beta.1


23 Mar 01:26
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.27.0...v0.28.0

Bot API 6.3 and more!

14 Nov 00:11
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  • Added full support for Bot API 6.3
  • (breaking change) All is_ prefixed properties in models have been replaced with ? getters. For instance, is_anonymous is now anonymous?.
  • (breaking change) Client#default_parse_mode and Client#default_command_prefixes have been made class properties instead of instance properties.
  • Fixed issues with missing priority and group properties on event handlers.
  • (breaking change) extra/paginated_keyboard no longer extends InlineKeyboardMarkup.
  • Added methods Client#send_paginated_keyboard, Chat#send_paginated_keyboard, Message#reply_with_paginated_keyboard, and Message#respond_with_paginated_keyboard. Requires import of extra/paginated_keyboard.
  • Fixed broken parts of extra/routed_menu.
  • Fixed broken parts of extra/stage.
  • Handlers no longer require an instance of Tourmaline::Client.
  • Added several new UpdateActions including ThreadMessage, ForumTopicCreated, ForumTopicClosed, ForumTopicReopened, VideoChatScheduled, VideoChatStarted, VideoChatEnded, VideoChatParticipantsInvited, and WebAppData.
  • Bot examples have all been fixed
  • More, see the official Bot API changelog for a complete list of changes.

Added sender_type to Message

09 Dec 04:55
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Added sender_type method

Remove global Container

08 Dec 17:55
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Remove global Container

Updated to Bot API 5.5

08 Dec 08:36
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Updated to Bot API 5.5

Updates for Bot API 5.1-5.3

29 Jun 19:15
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v0.23.0 update

Added support for TDLight

18 Feb 03:47
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Among other things this release adds official support for TDlight, a Bot API fork with more features and more transparent development. See the CHANGELOG for more details.

Removed filters!

08 Jun 17:10
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Ok so this release removes the filters added several releases back. I didn't like how filters forced people to think and they weren't very Crystally in function. The main issue with them was trying to allow a developer to receive information about the update being filtered. I tried to solve this using Update#context, but it was majorly limited and pretty messy.

So handlers are back and better than ever! I had initially gotten rid of handlers because I couldn't figure out a way to handle them that wasn't messy. In the initial revision each handler was its own class, but the annotation logic for the handler was contained in the base EventHandler class. This made it hard to figure out an easy way for people to add their own handlers without also being able to modify the method within EventHandlers::Annotator that handled the annotation logic.

Well no more! EventHandler is now a very simple abstract class that requires one method, call(update : Update). If a subclass includes a self.annotate method that method will be called when the client is initialized. There are also several new handlers that didn't exist before, based on the filters they replaced, including CommandHandler, HearsHandler, CallbackQueryHandler, ChosenInlineResultHandler, InlineQueryHandler, and the standard UpdateHandler. I highly recommend checking out the API docs on each of them.

This update also brings RoutedMenu for easy creation of menus using inline keyboards.