Assessment for developers on the Prontotype stack
Before you get started with the challenge, take a minute to read through the peculiarities of the Prontotype stack.
Our apps use isomorphic Javascript: We develop backend services and APIs in Node.js and frontends with React.js. We develop these components in CoffeeScript, which compiles into Javascript. Our HTML is written in the Jade templating language. Styles are written in Styl.
We use Metaserve to automatically compile Coffeescript, Jade, and Styl into Javascript, HTML, and CSS, respectively. In the development environment, this is all handled for you via polar.
You do not need to worry about compiling anything for this assessment. Your changes on the frontend will be automatically reflected when you refresh the page. Changes to the backend services will require that you restart the app (details below in Getting started).
CoffeeScript is a bracketless version of Javascript with a few syntactic niceties including arrow functions (timesFive = (a) -> a * 5
) , object destructuring ({name, age} = person
) and spreads (person = {name, age}
With coffee-reactify the JSX syntax in React can be used within CoffeeScript:
ItemSummary = ({item}) ->
<div className='item'>
Jade is an indentation based HTML templating language with support for variables, loops, and conditionals.
h1 Hello
for item in list
li.item Item: #{item}
Styl, based on Rework, is a bracketless CSS variant (alone known as Sass) with plugins (supported by Rework). The Rework framework allows for plugins which support variables, calculations, color modifications, and custom functions, and more.
color: color($ shade(10%))
font-size: $fonts.small
Before you can start the challenge, you need to do some basic set up.
You can find instructions for downloading and installing node on the website for Node.js. You may need to update npm.
Install CoffeeScript globally:
npm install -g coffeescript
Now that you have some familiarity with the Prontotype stack, you are ready to tackle the development challenge!
Lumberjack is a cloud-based lumber management platform for the connected forester. A web app has been under development for the last few months, and the client needs a few upgrades.
You don't have to do these items in order. Try to finish as much as you can in under 3 hours.
- User should be able to add a new tree
- Provide at least a species and current status per tree
- You can use a form library like if you'd like
- User should be able to see a details view for each tree
- Show tree status, species, and the time the tree was created
- Expand tree data to include any other fields you think would be helpful for the lumberjacks
- Provide the user a way to update tree status or other information (Note: You will create a new route in the API to support this functionality)
- User should be able to easily use the app in the field
- Style the app to make it easy for lumberjacks to use in the difficult forest conditions
- User should be able to filter trees by status
If you have extra time, we always like to go the extra mile for clients. Try some of these items.
- Make sure the app is reponsive: Make it usable and beautiful for a 360px wide viewport
- Make sure the package.json is updated so the app can be built from a clean install
- Suggest two additional features to make the day-to-day operations of a Lumberjack in the wild easier and more efficient. You do not need to develop these features, but feel free to specify them however you like.
- Roughly specify the data model you would implement to allow users to leave notes about trees. What technologies would you use to update these notes live in the field for other users?
Fork the repo on GitHub to get your own version.
Clone from your forked repo and install:
git clone<your_github_id>/lumberjack-web.git cd lumberjack-web npm install
Start the app:
npm run start
Browse to http://localhost:9775
The backend runs with two microservices:
- Server & API:
serves the web app page and runs the API. The API exposes some basic CRUD functions for the app's schema. - Data Service:
is an in-memory database and basic data service. You can reset the database at any time by restarting the app.
The frontend is a single-page application built in React.js:
- Jade Template:
is a Jade template within which the React app is rendered. - React App:
contains the ReactApp
. It uses aDispatcher
to talk to the API via kefir-fetch. - Styl:
contains all of the styling for the app.
Think through the requirements specified above, and implement what you can in under 3 hours. If you get stuck on something or have a question, please create an issue here on GitHub. We will try to respond as quickly as we can during business hours.
When you are finished, create a pull request for your fork. We'll check your work and be in touch. Good luck and have fun!