three-geojson-exporter is a cross platform GeoJSON file exporter for THREE.js. It takes any 2d object of three.js and converts it into GeoJSON FeatureCollection object. This library works out of the box with cross platform react-native and react-three-fibre as well.
yarn add three-geojson-exporter three
npm i three-geojson-exporter three
import * as THREE from 'three'
import { GeoJsonExporter } from 'three-geojson-exporter'
const exporter = new GeoJsonExporter();
// exporter.setTransformCallback((worldVec3) => [worldVec3.x, worldVec3.y]);
// exporter.setProjection('EPSG:9999')
// exporter.setPrecision(6);
// const scene = new THREE.Scene();
const geojson = exporter.parse(scene);
// downloadFile