Released version 19.09.25
- Upgraded Moodle from v3.6.5 to v3.6.6
- Updated language packs
- Re-added Catalonia to countries list
- Made exception for FRM environment to put cache files in moodledata
- Oauth2 server: Updated code to connect to WordPress
- Marsupial: Updated components
- Upgraded all wiris plugins
- Upgraded module clickedu
- Upgraded module geogebra
- Upgraded module hot potatoes
- Upgraded module H5P
- Upgraded block "completion progress"
- Upgraded question type "ordering"
- WordPress Social Login: Fixed login to WordPress via Moodle
- TOC+: Fixed compatibility with WordPress 5.1
- H5P: Upgraded to version 1.14.1
- Added script to delete duplicated records in email subscribers tables
- Added script to create missing tables in buddypress subscriptions