An extension of the go flag
library that adds convenience functions and functionalities like config file, better usage, short and long flag support, custom types for string slices and maps etc.
- In-built YAML Configuration file support.
- Better usage instructions
- Short and long flags support
- Custom String Slice types with different options (comma-separated,normalized,etc)
- Custom Map type
- Flags grouping support (CreateGroup,SetGroup)
The following types are supported by the goflags library. The <name>P
suffix means that the flag supports both a long and a short flag for the option.
Function | Description |
BoolVar | Boolean value with long name |
BoolVarP | Boolean value with long short name |
DurationVar | Time Duration value with long name |
DurationVarP | Time Duration value with long short name |
IntVar | Integer value with long name |
IntVarP | Integer value with long short name |
PortVar | Port value with long name |
PortVarP | Port value with long short name |
RuntimeMapVar | Map value with long name |
RuntimeMapVarP | Map value with long short name |
StringSliceVar | String Slice value with long name and options |
StringSliceVarConfigOnly | String Slice value with long name read from config file only |
StringSliceVarP | String slice value with long short name and options |
StringVar | String value with long name |
StringVarEnv | String value with long short name read from environment |
StringVarP | String value with long short name |
Var | Custom value with long name implementing flag.Value interface |
VarP | Custom value with long short name implementing flag.Value interface |
EnumVar | Enum value with long name |
EnumVarP | Enum value with long short name |
CallbackVar | Callback function as value with long name |
CallbackVarP | Callback function as value with long short name |
SizeVar | String value with long name |
SizeVarP | String value with long short name |
String Slice Option | Tokenization | Normalization | Description |
StringSliceOptions | None | None | Default String Slice |
CommaSeparatedStringSliceOptions | Comma | None | Comma-separated string slice |
FileCommaSeparatedStringSliceOptions | Comma | None | Comma-separated items from file/cli |
NormalizedOriginalStringSliceOptions | None | Standard | List of normalized string slice |
FileNormalizedStringSliceOptions | Comma | Standard | List of normalized string slice from file/cli |
FileStringSliceOptions | Standard | Standard | List of string slice from file |
NormalizedStringSliceOptions | Comma | Standard | List of normalized string slice |
An example showing various options of the library is specified below.
package main
import (
type options struct {
silent bool
inputs goflags.StringSlice
config string
values goflags.RuntimeMap
const (
Nil goflags.EnumVariable = iota
func main() {
enumAllowedTypes := goflags.AllowdTypes{"type1": Type1, "type2": Type2}
opt := &options{}
flagSet := goflags.NewFlagSet()
flagSet.SetDescription("Test program to demonstrate goflags options")
flagSet.EnumVarP(&options.Type, "enum-type", "et", Nil, "Variable Type (type1/type2)", enumAllowedTypes)
flagSet.BoolVar(&opt.silent, "silent", true, "show silent output")
flagSet.StringSliceVarP(&opt.inputs, "inputs", "i", nil, "list of inputs (file,comma-separated)", goflags.FileCommaSeparatedStringSliceOptions)
update := func(tool string ) func() {
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v updated successfully!", tool)
flagSet.CallbackVarP(update("tool_1"), "update", "up", "update tool_1")
// Group example
flagSet.CreateGroup("config", "Configuration",
flagSet.StringVar(&opt.config, "config", "", "file to read config from"),
flagSet.RuntimeMapVar(&opt.values, "values", nil, "key-value runtime values"),
if err := flagSet.Parse(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not parse flags: %s\n", err)
if opt.config != "" {
if err := flagSet.MergeConfigFile(opt.config); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not merge config file: %s\n", err)
fmt.Printf("silent: %v inputs: %v config: %v values: %v\n", opt.silent, opt.inputs, opt.config, opt.values)
- spf13/cobra - For the very nice usage template for the command line.
- nmap/nmap - For the service-port mapping and top-ports list.