Front-End for the CSSI Platform
This repository contains the codebase for the CSSI front end. This project was bootstrapped with Create React App template.
The generated project have dependencies that require
together withnpm
Make sure you have Node version >= 8.0 and (NPM >= 5 or Yarn )
# clone our repository
git clone
# change the directory
cd cssi-fe
# switch to development branch
git checkout develop
# install the dependencies with npm
npm install
# start the development server
npm start
Once the dev server is fired up, it'll automatically open up a new tab. If not, navigate to or http://localhost:3000 manually in your browser. (Note: If a port is already taken you'll be given the option to open the app in a different port.)
- File Structure
- Getting Started
- Configuration
- Styling
- Testing
- Production
- Linting
- Built With
- Changelog
- Contributing
- Contributors
- License
βββ docs/ * folder to house all the documents
βββ node_modules/ * contains dependencies pulled from npm
βββ public/ * the public folder which can be accessed with a URL
β βββ favicon/ * contains all the favicons and device specific icons for the app
β βββ index.html * this is the app template
β βββ manifest.json * contains metadata for the app
βββ src/ * source folder
β βββ aseets/ * folder containing all the static assets, meta and styles
β βββ components/ * contains all the reusable components
β βββ containers/ * contains the differenrt container types used in the app
β βββ elements/ * houses the custom elemets such as buttons, inputs etc.
β βββ forms/ * contains all the forms used in the application
β βββ redux/ * redux folder
β β βββ actions/ * contains all the redux action scripts
β β βββ reduces/ * contains all the reducers
β β βββ store.js * redux store file
β β βββ types.js * file containing all the redux action types
β βββ routes/ * contains the routes of the app
β βββ services/ * contains the service scripts for the app
β βββ utils/ * folder to hold the utility function scripts
β βββ variables/ * folder to house app variable scripts
β βββ views/ * folder containing all the views of the application
β βββ api.js * contains all the api endpoints for the application
β βββ index.js * js entry-point for the application
β βββ registerServiceWorker.js * file which helps to serve assets from cache in production
βββ .env.sample * sample of .env file
βββ .eslintrc.js * ecmascript linting configuration file
βββ .gitignore * contains files that are ignored from git
βββ .gitlab-ci.yml * gitlab ci configuration file
βββ .npmrc * npm config file to house project wide custom configs
βββ .nvmrc * node version manager config file
βββ .sass-lint.yml * sass lint config file
βββ * log of all notable changes made to the project
βββ * project contributing guidelines
βββ * licensing information
βββ package.json * contains all the npm scripts for building, running, deploying etc. and contains all the dependencies
βββ * Readme file for the repository
What you need to run this app:
- The generated project have dependencies that require
together withnpm
. - Ensure you're running the latest stable versions Node and NPM.
Make sure you have
installed by running simple commands on the command line to see what version of each is installed.
- Node - Type
node -v
on the terminal. - NPM - Type
npm -v
on the terminal.
If you do not have them installed, click here and grab the latest stable version of node
and npm
will be automatically installed along with it. Or if you have brew
already installed in your local machine, execute brew install node
command to get node
git clone
to clone the repositorycd cssi-fe
to change the directorygit checkout develop
to switch to development branchnpm install
to install the dependencies with npm
After you have installed all dependencies you can now run the app. Run npm start
to start a local server with webpack
The dev server will be opened in a new tab and usually on http://localhost:3000 and the Access URLs will be displayed on the terminal.
Have a look in the .env.sample file for the structure of the .env
The stylesheets are inside the assets/sass
folder and the cssi-dashboard.scss
file inside the directory is the main stylesheet for the project.
If you want to add your own stylesheet, we recommend that you place it under the sass/partials
folder and import it in the cssi-dashboard.scss
For example if you want to include the styles for a slider:
- Create a
partial file in thesass/partials
directory. - In
add@import 'partials/slider.scss';
The app uses Jest and Enzyme frameworks for testing and you can run the test suite by executing the following command.
npm run test
Follow the steps bellow to build a production ready version of the application.
Execute the following command to build the application with webpack in production mode.
npm run build
Please read the guideline to learn about the process for releasing the project.
If you want to deploy the application to a s3 bucket please execute the following command replacing bucket_name
with the intended s3 bucket name.
The script for this command can be found in the scripts/deploy-s3.js
. Feel free to change it if needed.
npm run deploy-s3 bucket_name
To run the linting on the command line, execute the following command.
npm run lint
Please refer to learn about the latest improvements, breaking changes and bug fixes.
Please read for contributing guidelines and to learn about our code of conduct.