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woody-apple committed Jul 2, 2022
1 parent 7cc10ae commit 8d84f81
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Showing 28 changed files with 278 additions and 283 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

NSString * const kCHIPToolDefaultsDomain = @"";

id CHIPGetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key)
id MTRGetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key)
id value = (id) CFBridgingRelease(CFPreferencesCopyAppValue((CFStringRef) key, (CFStringRef) domain));
if (value) {
Expand All @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ id CHIPGetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key)
return nil;

BOOL CHIPSetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key, id value)
BOOL MTRSetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key, id value)
CFPreferencesSetAppValue((CFStringRef) key, (__bridge CFPropertyListRef _Nullable)(value), (CFStringRef) domain);
return CFPreferencesAppSynchronize((CFStringRef) domain) == true;

BOOL CHIPRemoveDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key)
BOOL MTRRemoveDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key)
CFPreferencesSetAppValue((CFStringRef) key, nullptr, (CFStringRef) domain);
return CFPreferencesAppSynchronize((CFStringRef) domain) == true;
Expand All @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ BOOL CHIPClearAllDomain(NSString * domain)
NSLog(@"Removing keys: %@ %@", allKeys, domain);
for (id key in allKeys) {
NSLog(@"Removing key: %@", key);
if (!CHIPRemoveDomainValueForKey(domain, (NSString *) key)) {
if (!MTRRemoveDomainValueForKey(domain, (NSString *) key)) {
return NO;
Expand All @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ - (BOOL)deleteAllStorage

- (nullable NSData *)storageDataForKey:(NSString *)key
NSData * value = CHIPGetDomainValueForKey(kCHIPToolDefaultsDomain, key);
NSData * value = MTRGetDomainValueForKey(kCHIPToolDefaultsDomain, key);
NSLog(@"CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: %@, value %@", key, value);
return value;
Expand All @@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ - (BOOL)setStorageData:(NSData *)value forKey:(NSString *)key

- (BOOL)removeStorageDataForKey:(NSString *)key
if (CHIPGetDomainValueForKey(kCHIPToolDefaultsDomain, key) == nil) {
if (MTRGetDomainValueForKey(kCHIPToolDefaultsDomain, key) == nil) {
return NO;
return CHIPRemoveDomainValueForKey(kCHIPToolDefaultsDomain, key);
return MTRRemoveDomainValueForKey(kCHIPToolDefaultsDomain, key);

22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions examples/darwin-framework-tool/commands/common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ id NSObjectFromCHIPTLV(chip::TLV::TLVReader * data)
int64_t val;
CHIP_ERROR err = data->Get(val);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
CHIP_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV signed integer decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV signed integer decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
return nil;
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:MTRSignedIntegerValueType, MTRTypeKey, [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:val],
Expand All @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ id NSObjectFromCHIPTLV(chip::TLV::TLVReader * data)
uint64_t val;
CHIP_ERROR err = data->Get(val);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
CHIP_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV unsigned integer decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV unsigned integer decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
return nil;
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, MTRTypeKey,
Expand All @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ id NSObjectFromCHIPTLV(chip::TLV::TLVReader * data)
bool val;
CHIP_ERROR err = data->Get(val);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
CHIP_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV boolean decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV boolean decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
return nil;
return [NSDictionary
Expand All @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ id NSObjectFromCHIPTLV(chip::TLV::TLVReader * data)
double val;
err = data->Get(val);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
CHIP_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV floating point decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV floating point decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
return nil;
return [NSDictionary
Expand All @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ id NSObjectFromCHIPTLV(chip::TLV::TLVReader * data)
const uint8_t * ptr;
CHIP_ERROR err = data->GetDataPtr(ptr);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
CHIP_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV UTF8String decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV UTF8String decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
return nil;
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:MTRUTF8StringValueType, MTRTypeKey,
Expand All @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ id NSObjectFromCHIPTLV(chip::TLV::TLVReader * data)
const uint8_t * ptr;
CHIP_ERROR err = data->GetDataPtr(ptr);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
CHIP_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV ByteString decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV ByteString decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
return nil;
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:MTROctetStringValueType, MTRTypeKey,
Expand All @@ -186,15 +186,15 @@ id NSObjectFromCHIPTLV(chip::TLV::TLVReader * data)
chip::TLV::TLVType tlvType;
CHIP_ERROR err = data->EnterContainer(tlvType);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
CHIP_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV container entering failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV container entering failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
return nil;
NSMutableArray * array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
while ((err = data->Next()) == CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
chip::TLV::Tag tag = data->GetTag();
id value = NSObjectFromCHIPTLV(data);
if (value == nullptr) {
CHIP_LOG_ERROR("Error when decoding TLV container");
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error when decoding TLV container");
return nil;
NSMutableDictionary * arrayElement = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
Expand All @@ -205,18 +205,18 @@ id NSObjectFromCHIPTLV(chip::TLV::TLVReader * data)
[array addObject:arrayElement];
if (err != CHIP_END_OF_TLV) {
CHIP_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV container decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV container decoding failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
return nil;
err = data->ExitContainer(tlvType);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
CHIP_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV container exiting failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error(%s): TLV container exiting failed", chip::ErrorStr(err));
return nil;
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:typeName, MTRTypeKey, array, MTRValueKey, nil];
CHIP_LOG_ERROR("Error: Unsupported TLV type for conversion: %u", (unsigned) data->GetType());
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error: Unsupported TLV type for conversion: %u", (unsigned) data->GetType());
return nil;
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions examples/darwin-framework-tool/commands/common/MTRLogging.h
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Expand Up @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@
#import <os/log.h>

#define CHIP_LOG_DEBUG(format, ...) os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define CHIP_LOG_ERROR(format, ...) os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define MTR_LOG_DEBUG(format, ...) os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define MTR_LOG_ERROR(format, ...) os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
({ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "[<%@: %p> %@]", NSStringFromClass([self class]), self, NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)); })

#define CHIP_LOG_DEBUG(...)
#define CHIP_LOG_ERROR(...)
#define CHIP_LOG_METHOD_ENTRY() ({})
#define MTR_LOG_DEBUG(...)
#define MTR_LOG_ERROR(...)
#define MTR_LOG_METHOD_ENTRY() ({})


Expand Down
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions src/darwin/CHIPTool/CHIPTool/Framework Helpers/DefaultsUtils.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,21 +25,21 @@ extern NSString * const kNetworkSSIDDefaultsKey;
extern NSString * const kNetworkPasswordDefaultsKey;
extern NSString * const kFabricIdKey;

MTRDeviceController * _Nullable InitializeCHIP(void);
MTRDeviceController * _Nullable CHIPRestartController(MTRDeviceController * controller);
id _Nullable CHIPGetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key);
BOOL CHIPSetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key, id _Nullable value);
void CHIPRemoveDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key);
uint64_t CHIPGetNextAvailableDeviceID(void);
MTRDeviceController * _Nullable InitializeMTR(void);
MTRDeviceController * _Nullable MTRRestartController(MTRDeviceController * controller);
id _Nullable MTRGetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key);
BOOL MTRSetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key, id _Nullable value);
void MTRRemoveDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key);
uint64_t MTRGetNextAvailableDeviceID(void);
NSString * KeyForPairedDevice(uint64_t id);
uint64_t CHIPGetLastPairedDeviceId(void);
void CHIPSetNextAvailableDeviceID(uint64_t id);
void CHIPSetDevicePaired(uint64_t id, BOOL paired);
BOOL CHIPIsDevicePaired(uint64_t id);
BOOL CHIPGetConnectedDevice(MTRDeviceConnectionCallback completionHandler);
BOOL CHIPGetConnectedDeviceWithID(uint64_t deviceId, MTRDeviceConnectionCallback completionHandler);
void CHIPUnpairDeviceWithID(uint64_t deviceId);
MTRDevice * _Nullable CHIPGetDeviceBeingCommissioned(void);
uint64_t MTRGetLastPairedDeviceId(void);
void MTRSetNextAvailableDeviceID(uint64_t id);
void MTRSetDevicePaired(uint64_t id, BOOL paired);
BOOL MTRIsDevicePaired(uint64_t id);
BOOL MTRGetConnectedDevice(MTRDeviceConnectionCallback completionHandler);
BOOL MTRGetConnectedDeviceWithID(uint64_t deviceId, MTRDeviceConnectionCallback completionHandler);
void MTRUnpairDeviceWithID(uint64_t deviceId);
MTRDevice * _Nullable MTRGetDeviceBeingCommissioned(void);

@interface CHIPToolPersistentStorageDelegate : NSObject <MTRPersistentStorageDelegate>
- (nullable NSData *)storageDataForKey:(NSString *)key;
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62 changes: 31 additions & 31 deletions src/darwin/CHIPTool/CHIPTool/Framework Helpers/DefaultsUtils.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
NSString * const kFabricIdKey = @"fabricId";
NSString * const kDevicePairedKey = @"Paired";

id CHIPGetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key)
id MTRGetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key)
id value = (id) CFBridgingRelease(CFPreferencesCopyAppValue((CFStringRef) key, (CFStringRef) domain));
if (value) {
Expand All @@ -34,24 +34,24 @@ id CHIPGetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key)
return nil;

BOOL CHIPSetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key, id value)
BOOL MTRSetDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key, id value)
CFPreferencesSetAppValue((CFStringRef) key, (__bridge CFPropertyListRef _Nullable)(value), (CFStringRef) domain);
return CFPreferencesAppSynchronize((CFStringRef) domain) == true;

void CHIPRemoveDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key)
void MTRRemoveDomainValueForKey(NSString * domain, NSString * key)
CFPreferencesSetAppValue((CFStringRef) key, NULL, (CFStringRef) domain);
CFPreferencesAppSynchronize((CFStringRef) domain);

uint64_t CHIPGetNextAvailableDeviceID(void)
uint64_t MTRGetNextAvailableDeviceID(void)
uint64_t nextAvailableDeviceIdentifier = 1;
NSNumber * value = CHIPGetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, MTRNextAvailableDeviceIDKey);
NSNumber * value = MTRGetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, MTRNextAvailableDeviceIDKey);
if (!value) {
CHIPSetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, MTRNextAvailableDeviceIDKey,
MTRSetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, MTRNextAvailableDeviceIDKey,
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:nextAvailableDeviceIdentifier]);
} else {
nextAvailableDeviceIdentifier = [value unsignedLongLongValue];
Expand All @@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ uint64_t CHIPGetNextAvailableDeviceID(void)
return nextAvailableDeviceIdentifier;

void CHIPSetNextAvailableDeviceID(uint64_t id)
void MTRSetNextAvailableDeviceID(uint64_t id)
CHIPSetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, MTRNextAvailableDeviceIDKey, [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:id]);
MTRSetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, MTRNextAvailableDeviceIDKey, [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:id]);

static CHIPToolPersistentStorageDelegate * storage = nil;
Expand All @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void CHIPSetNextAvailableDeviceID(uint64_t id)

static MTRDeviceController * sController = nil;

MTRDeviceController * InitializeCHIP(void)
MTRDeviceController * InitializeMTR(void)
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,60 +120,60 @@ void CHIPSetNextAvailableDeviceID(uint64_t id)
return sController;

uint64_t CHIPGetLastPairedDeviceId(void)
uint64_t MTRGetLastPairedDeviceId(void)
uint64_t deviceId = CHIPGetNextAvailableDeviceID();
uint64_t deviceId = MTRGetNextAvailableDeviceID();
if (deviceId > 1) {
return deviceId;

BOOL CHIPGetConnectedDevice(MTRDeviceConnectionCallback completionHandler)
BOOL MTRGetConnectedDevice(MTRDeviceConnectionCallback completionHandler)
MTRDeviceController * controller = InitializeCHIP();
MTRDeviceController * controller = InitializeMTR();

// Let's use the last device that was paired
uint64_t deviceId = CHIPGetLastPairedDeviceId();
uint64_t deviceId = MTRGetLastPairedDeviceId();
return [controller getDevice:deviceId queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() completionHandler:completionHandler];

MTRDevice * CHIPGetDeviceBeingCommissioned(void)
MTRDevice * MTRGetDeviceBeingCommissioned(void)
NSError * error;
MTRDeviceController * controller = InitializeCHIP();
MTRDevice * device = [controller getDeviceBeingCommissioned:CHIPGetLastPairedDeviceId() error:&error];
MTRDeviceController * controller = InitializeMTR();
MTRDevice * device = [controller getDeviceBeingCommissioned:MTRGetLastPairedDeviceId() error:&error];
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error retrieving device being commissioned for deviceId %llu", CHIPGetLastPairedDeviceId());
NSLog(@"Error retrieving device being commissioned for deviceId %llu", MTRGetLastPairedDeviceId());
return nil;
return device;

BOOL CHIPGetConnectedDeviceWithID(uint64_t deviceId, MTRDeviceConnectionCallback completionHandler)
BOOL MTRGetConnectedDeviceWithID(uint64_t deviceId, MTRDeviceConnectionCallback completionHandler)
MTRDeviceController * controller = InitializeCHIP();
MTRDeviceController * controller = InitializeMTR();

return [controller getDevice:deviceId queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() completionHandler:completionHandler];

BOOL CHIPIsDevicePaired(uint64_t deviceId)
BOOL MTRIsDevicePaired(uint64_t deviceId)
NSString * PairedString = CHIPGetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, KeyForPairedDevice(deviceId));
NSString * PairedString = MTRGetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, KeyForPairedDevice(deviceId));
return [PairedString boolValue];

void CHIPSetDevicePaired(uint64_t deviceId, BOOL paired)
void MTRSetDevicePaired(uint64_t deviceId, BOOL paired)
CHIPSetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, KeyForPairedDevice(deviceId), paired ? @"YES" : @"NO");
MTRSetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, KeyForPairedDevice(deviceId), paired ? @"YES" : @"NO");

NSString * KeyForPairedDevice(uint64_t deviceId) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%llu", kDevicePairedKey, deviceId]; }

void CHIPUnpairDeviceWithID(uint64_t deviceId)
void MTRUnpairDeviceWithID(uint64_t deviceId)
CHIPSetDevicePaired(deviceId, NO);
CHIPGetConnectedDeviceWithID(deviceId, ^(MTRDevice * _Nullable device, NSError * _Nullable error) {
MTRSetDevicePaired(deviceId, NO);
MTRGetConnectedDeviceWithID(deviceId, ^(MTRDevice * _Nullable device, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Failed to unpair device %llu still removing from CHIPTool. %@", deviceId, error);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,22 +211,22 @@ @implementation CHIPToolPersistentStorageDelegate

- (nullable NSData *)storageDataForKey:(NSString *)key
NSData * value = CHIPGetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, key);
NSData * value = MTRGetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, key);
NSLog(@"MTRPersistentStorageDelegate Get Value for Key: %@, value %@", key, value);
return value;

- (BOOL)setStorageData:(NSData *)value forKey:(NSString *)key
return CHIPSetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, key, value);
return MTRSetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, key, value);

- (BOOL)removeStorageDataForKey:(NSString *)key
if (CHIPGetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, key) == nil) {
if (MTRGetDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, key) == nil) {
return NO;
CHIPRemoveDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, key);
MTRRemoveDomainValueForKey(MTRToolDefaultsDomain, key);
return YES;

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