This is a recruitment task for NodeJS Junior Backend Developer. It will check your skills in:
- using and understanding code and libraries documentation;
- using and understanding basic JavaScript patterns;
- understanding already written code;
- knowledge of basic security cases;
- writing clean code based on previously written samples.
Before you start contributing, make sure that you have installed:
- Docker
- Docker compose
- NodeJS (8.9.0)
- NPM (5.0.3)
To run an API script you have to type the following command in your terminal
npm run start-dev
To stop the API server you need to press crtl+c
Data transfer objects are objects with all user input properties.
DTOs should contain a static validate
method which returns an array of express-validator
rules for validating user input.
Response models are objects which are representations of response data.
Database entities are sequelize models which are used to connect with the database.
Controllers are objects with methods for handling user requests.
Controllers should process user input and transfer it to the service layer and output data from services to user.
Also, controllers should have a static registerRoutes
method for registering used by controller routes.
Services are objects with business logic. They should return a ServiceResult
model with database