Command-line shell for issuing SQL to relational databases via JDBC.
A fork of Marc Prud'hommeaux's sqlline project, also incorporating changes made by the LucidDB project, now modernized, mavenized and forkable in github. See also release history.
SQLLine is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License, meaning that you are free to redistribute, modify, or sell it with almost no restrictions.
It is distributed via the Maven Central Repository.
If you have Coursier installed, you can quickly connect to a demo Hypersonic database with:
$ coursier launch sqlline:sqlline:1.3.0 org.hsqldb:hsqldb:2.4.0 net.hydromatic:foodmart-data-hsqldb:0.4 -M sqlline.SqlLine -- -u jdbc:hsqldb:res:foodmart -n FOODMART -p FOODMART -d org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
0: jdbc:hsqldb:res:foodmart> select avg("shelf_height" * "shelf_width" * "shelf_depth") as "avg_volume" from "product";
| avg_volume |
| 2147.3845245442353 |
1 row selected (0.01 seconds)
0: jdbc:hsqldb:res:foodmart> !quit
Copy the sqlline
script (or sqlline.bat
for Windows),
and a JDBC driver jar into
the same directory. (Or just put sqlline
on your PATH
$ sqlline -d com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
sqlline> !connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/scott user password
sqlline> !tables
| null | SCOTT | BONUS | TABLE | null |
| null | SCOTT | DEPT | TABLE | null |
| null | SCOTT | EMP | TABLE | null |
| null | SCOTT | SALGRADE | TABLE | null |
| null | metadata | COLUMNS | SYSTEM_TABLE | null |
| null | metadata | TABLES | SYSTEM_TABLE | null |
sqlline> SELECT 1 + 2 AS c;
| C |
| 3 |
sqlline> !quit
To get help:
sqlline --help
If you prefer, you can invoke Java directly, without using the
$ java -jar sqlline-VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
Read the manual.
Use the following definition to use sqlline
in your maven project:
- Maven 3.2.1 or higher
- Java 1.6 or higher (9 preferred)
Check out and build:
git clone git://
cd sqlline
mvn package
- Marc Prud'hommeaux ([email protected])
- John V. Sichi ([email protected])
- Stephan Zuercher ([email protected])
- Sunny Choi
- John Pham
- Steve Herskovitz
- Jack Hahn
- Julian Hyde
- Joe Posner
- License: Modified BSD License
- Home page
- Source code
- Developers list: sqlline-dev at (archive, subscribe)
- Issues
- Release notes and history