Releases: probml/pml-book
Fixed various typos (details are at #304).
Note that the page numbering is slightly different from previous versions, but other numbering (section, equation, figure) is the same.
Also, I am working with Zeel Patel and Nipun Batra to change the code for all the figures: in the new regime, each figure will have its own colab (stored here),Also the figures will be "latexified" to look nicer.
(In the past, each figure has its own script, which is then imported into one auto-generated colab per chapter stored here.)
So far just figs 2.5, 2.6 and 3.3 have been changed to this new format. One consequence of this is that clicking on the link to, say, will take you to this cell in the old colab, which points to the old code/figure, and note the new one (shown below). Consequently there is a small discrepancy between the appearance of some figures and the print edition. This will be fixed in a future release.
This is the same as 2022-02-07 except for the equation numbers in sec 7.7.3 (solving underconstrained systems (least norm estimation)).
This section omits some erroneous material from an earlier version, so I have modified the numbering at the end of this section so remaining equation numbers match previous versions of the book.
2022-02-07 release
2021-11-08 v1.1
Minor updates to the version sent to MIT Press. Closes all issues to date.
Details of changes are listed at #247
camera-ready 2021-08-30
This is the version I sent to MIT Press for the first printing :)
- fixed many typos
- tweaked many figures to make CMYK version look nicer
- moved functional AD to vol 2
- moved adversarial examples to vol 2 (since not specific to CNN chapter and no other home for it)
-fixed typos from github
- fixed numerous typos (see closed github issues)
- fixed eqns 11.128-11.29 for weight posterior in Bayesian linear regression (surprised this one slipped through the eyes of 52k readers!)
- added short section on weakly supervised learning to the very end of ch. 19
- moved the section on information criterion (5.1.7) to after the section on model selection (5.2.2)
- removed section on probability integral transform (2.8.8) since it will be covered in vol 2
This is the version I sent to MIT Press for "final" copy editing.
This version was sent to MIT Press, but they sent it back with some changes I need to make, so it is still a draft (pre-publication) version.